Mr. Henley, at Bicester, in Oxfordshire, has told his consti-
tuents that the last session of Parliament was " the very dullest" he ever had the misery to sit through,—a session wherein first it was ascertained that the most indispen- sable qualification for a member of Parliament was "to be able to sleep without snoring." "As an old 'un, I don't know how I should have got on at all, if I had not largely indulged myself in that great boon," said Mr. Henley. We suspect these dull sessions of Parliament, in which it proves to be a great qualification for individual members to be able to sleep without snoring, will turn out by far the most satisfactory to the country at large;—to which it is of comparatively little importance whether members sleep (with or without snoring) during debates, so long as the constituencies are wide awake to the divisions ; and to this on the Irish Church question they certainly were.