If Mr. Thomas, or any other Labour leader, would do
as bold thing, his success would be certain, for the majority of manual workers already suspect the truth and only want the facts stated clearly. A characteristic passage in Mr. Thomas's speech was as follows :— " I do not believe that the workers are anxious for a fight merely for fighting's sake. Indeed, it is our duty not to invite or evoke such a conflict, because industrial peace is as necessary as international peace, but the other side must clearly under- stand that the years of sacrifice and effort that placed the workers in the position they hold to-day will not and must not be lost, and we will be prepared, not as a section, but as a movement, to accept any challenge to our industrial freedom or economic emancipation."
In these words we find both Mr. Thomas's underlying or real beliefs and his anxiety to square his position with whatever may happen in future. We can safely say that there is no party, either of politicians or employers, in this country with any claim to consideration who contemplate challenging the better industrial conditions which the manual workers have gained. We are all for their preservation, and, if the workers make such a thing possible, for their unceasing extension.