THE " SPECTATOR."] am much obliged to you for inserting my last letter on the above subject, and also for your comments thereon, with which I am entirely in accord, especially with your suggestion that some effort should be made to bring into line the several constitutional forces with a view to their active co-operation should occasion arise. Your reference also to the Frank-Pledge is a happy one, as it embodies in a single word the main object of the present movement, and thereby proving the continuity of our history.
In times of stress and strain like the present our ordinary insular self-sufficiency is a danger—just as a sleeping watchdog would be, under similar circumstances, when his bark would be more effective than his bite—and it is the duty, therefore, of every citizen to see that his stable door is securely locked and guarded, lest his indolence and indifference should conduce to his own undoing. In this movement there is no idea of antago- nizing any particular class or interest, or interfering with any man's views or legitimate objects so long as they are con- stitutionally expressed, but each member pledges himself to respect and protect the general interests of the citizens and the State, irrespective of class or creed or political opinions, as against all aggressors whether from without or within. Defence, not defiance is its watchword; duty to God, to King, and country is its motto; righteousness, justice, and goodwill are to be its guiding principles in all our relations with our fellow-men.—I am, Sir, &c., SAMUEL CROSSE.
26 Glengarry Road, East Dulwich, S.E. 22.