[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In your issue of July 3rd last is an interesting article on Tillotson—indeed, very interesting; but it is marred at its close by a very unpleasant reference to Dr. Frank Weston. In. common justice to a man who is beloved and admired by thousands, white and black, may I call your attention to the Bishop of Chelmsford's noteworthy appreciation of Dr. Weston? Speaking of the Lambeth Conference he says, in a letter to his diocese : " Of the unofficial members the one who of all others impressed the Conference was the Bishop of Zanzibar. As is well known, I differ most profoundly with many of the opinions which he holds, but no Bishop in the Conference impressed it more from a spiritual standpoint than the Bishop. His lofty tone, his abandonment of mere " party " even when maintaining his own position, 8:c., made the whole Conference feel that, however much it might differ from him on many points, they were listening to one who truly lived near [We are sure that every word of the Bishop of Chelmsford's eulogy is deserved . by the Bishop of Zanzibar, who is well known to be a man of exceptional force, devotion, and sincerity. Nevertheless, the Bishop of Zanzibar seems to us to have acted narrowly, and in effect cruelly, when he denounced Bishop Willie for celebrating the Holy Communion at Kikuyu with a Nonconformist—in a remote district where places of worship were few and far between. The Lambeth Conference displayed a different spirit, and we are glad indeed to think that the Bishop of Zanzibar took part in it.—En. Spectator.]