The Polish army pursuing the routed Bolsheviks towards the Niemen
found a new enemy last week in the Lithuanians, who attacked them and occupied the Polish towns of Suvalki and Augustovo. The Allies had asked the Poles to stop at the " Curzon line "—the provisional frontier fixed by the Supreme Council between Poland and Lithuania—but the Lithuanians do not recognize this line. It may be conjectured that the Bolsheviks and the Prussians incited the Lithuanians to resort to violence, but the real cause may be traced to the ancient racial rivalries which are the curse of Eastern Europe and which have been aggravated by the talk of " self-determination." Poland has appealed this week to the League of Nations to mediate between her and Lithuania in this frontier dispute, and it will be interesting to see what the Council of League can do, especially as Lithuania, though at peace with the Bolsheviks, has not yet been fully recognized by the Allies.