11 SEPTEMBER 1926, Page 1


UTHEN we said last week that Mr. Churchill had created a wholly new situation we were not mistaken, though no one could have foretold that there would be such a revolution in events as we now see. Not even Mr. Cook would venture to speak now of the Government as having formed themselves into a Com- mittee to Assist the Coalowners. On the contrary, we see Mr. Churchill, in effect, telling the coal-owners that the interests of the nation require them to be reasonable and to make a national settlement—the necessity of which has all along been assumed by the Government and the great majority of Englishmen—and threatening them with penalties if they do not consent. Now that Mr. Churchill has taken this cause fairly in hand the last thing that we need expect is that there will be stagnation. Everyone admits that Mr. Churchill is a " bonny fighter." It seems that his duel with Mr. Evan Williams has thrown him into the fighting spirit and posture.