[To the Editor of THE` SPECTATOR.] • have read with interest the brief letter of my friend Mr. Arnold Lunn' in your September 4th issue, and, if you 404.- allow me to do so, I shoukt like to ask him a question.
No one denies that, both before 'and during the present civil war in Spain, members of " Left " parties have been guilty of criminal deeds against public order. So have members of " Right " parties. Unfortunately, Spain always has been a stormy land,
In forming a moral judgement, however, it is needful to consider all the factors; Therefore, I would ask Mr. Lunn, this question ; Doe! he consider that the state of Spain,, after the recent general election, was such as to justify the starting, by the opposition parties, of a civil war which (1) required the use of imported Moorish troops : i.e., troops of the hereditary enemy of Spain; (2) required also the use of foreign weapons against the countrymen of those who started the war ; (3) inevitably led to execrable atrocities ; (4) and must necessarily end in the irnpoverislunentuf the country and the reduction. of it, at least" for a time, either to chaos or to some form of dictatorship ?, In replying to. this.,question it should be remembered that the Spanish General Elections of 1931, 1933 and 1936 have shown swings, of the pendulum,. and that therefore a peaceful way, to try to reach power was open to the opposition parties.;