12 APRIL 1884, Page 3

The Rev. Brooke Lambert, Vicar of Greenwich and chairman of

the Metropolitan Association for Befriending Young Servants, has hit upon a happy expedient for raising funds for that excellent Association. Instead of having a bazaar,—for which people make. what nobody values in order that other people may buy what no- body wants, all to help an Association which badly needs both time and money, and ought, therefore, to encourage in every way the economy of time and money,—Mr. Brooke Lambert has very wisely organised a course of lectures on "Ancient and Modern Charity and its Methods," to be delivered at Kensington Vestry Hall, the profits of which are to be given to the Association. Professor Max Muller is to lecture on "Buddhist Charity," Mr.. Claude Ifontefiore on "Hebrew Charity," Dr. Stuart Poole on. "Arab Charity," Rev. John Congreve on "The Italian Media:mai Charity," and Mrs. S. A. Barnett on "Modern English Charity," We observe that the subject of "Early Christian Charity" has not as yet been given to any one. Could not the translator of Dr, Uhlhorn's valuable book on" Christian Charity in the Ancient Church," reviewed in another column, be per- suaded to give one of these lectures ?