History of Felsted School. By John Sargeaunt, M.A. (Durant, Chelmsford.)—Felsted
School was founded in 1554, by Lord Rich, at the beginning of the Marian reaction,—or, rather, Lord Rich founded something like a chantry which, ten years later, when another change had taken place, he converted into a school. Mr. Sargearmt gives an account of the successive head-masters, and of the vicissitudes of the school,—vicissitudes to which such foundations are almost invariably liable. Then follows a list of "Worthies of Felsted." The most eminent of " Felstedians " is Isaac Barrow. The rest whose names are here recorded fill places in a National Biography, but are not known to any but experts in their several callings. There is an interesting chapter under the title of "Records of the Foundation," and another on "The House of Rich."