The Danzig Elections The significance of the Danzig elections is
not to be disguised. They were not of any ordinary or routine character. They need not have taken place at all. There was a _comfortable Nazi majority in the Diet, but it fell short of the two-thirds majority necessary for the adoption of amendments to the constitution. The Diet was accordingly dissolved in order that the required number of extra seats might be won. The campaign was waged with. an energy and a virulence without precedent. The Saar vote of 90 per cent. was held up as example. Qualified voters were brought from Germany—not, of course, at their own expense. German leaders like General Goering, Dr. Goebbels and Herr Rudolf Iress, Herr Hitler's right- hand man, flocked to the Free City and made speeches predicting a sweeping Nazi triumph. The opposition was intimidated into silence. It could hold virtually no meetings. It was given no access to the wireless. The papers were suspended. There were various assaults on individuals.