[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.]
SIR,—That your gentle contributor, Janus, should be per- plexed by the existence of the Bread campaign is not astonishing in view of his belief that " bread-consumption in • Europe generally remains very constant." If there were any foundation for such a belief there would be no bread- campaign. The millers, however, are in a position to know the facts.
We are all aware that great changes have taken place in food habits. The wholesome loaf, into which Janus and I made such inroads when we were youngsters, competes today with a vast variety of so-called bread-substitutes, most of them very nearly identical with bread in food value but all of them a great deal more expensive.
The fallacy that bread fattens may also have had some influence. At any rate, these facts are justification enough for a bread campaign. We are -but reminding the public of the incomparable economic as well as nutritional value of bread, and we believe that, just as advertising is largely responsible for the " disease," so will it effect. the "