Round Britain
The Norwegian Fjords season will be here in another few weeks and the usual number of cruises to the fjords seems inevitable. Scotland's fjords, miniature of course in comparison, though nevertheless supremely attractive, deserve far more publicity among our own people than they generally obtain. Their popularity is, however, growing with every season, and it is pleasant to note that cruises along the Scottish coast are not being left to the enterprise of local shipping companies entirely. This year a vessel belonging to the Blue Funnel line is due to sail once a month on a six days' tour which will include this part of our coast. it does not take this time to encircle the half of Britain between London and Glasgow- even tics the north of Scotland, so as a pre- liminary a two days' visit is made to Rotterdam, leaving passengers ample time to explore the seaside resorts of Holland. The cost of this short and quite unique tour is 7 guineas, and for an additional payment of 4 guineas one's car may be taken on board for use on a Highlands' tour or for the journey home after dis- embarkation has taken place at Glasgow. A more minute inspection of Scottish fjords can be made by the smaller vessels belonging to Coast Lines. This company's steam yacht ' Killarney' will make 9 cruises from Liverpool during the season, ranging from 5 to 13 days at fares from 1 guinea per day, while a series of week-end cruises by the M.V. ' Ulster Prince ' is being arranged for visits to the same locality. For those wishing to. extend the sea journey, it is possible to reach Liverpool from London by another of this company's coastal steamers. Sailings are twice a week in each direction, the voyage lasting four days and costing from 55 shillings.