Haw-Haw reviewed
From Mary Kenny Sir: I am in the process of completing a new biography of William Joyce, 'Lord Haw-Haw', with special emphasis on his Irish roots: it will be published by New Island Books in Dublin in the autumn of this year. I would be most grateful to hear from any of your readers with legal expertise who might give me their view of the current legal analysis of the Joyce trial for treason in 1945.
It is. I know, regarded as an important landmark in case history, but interpretations of its validity have altered over the years, and I would be grateful for opinions about the contemporary legal view of Rex v. Joyce; and whether it stands as a useful precedent on the question of national identity and allegiance. How, for example, might it affect, say, a journalist or broadcaster with an invalid British passport who broadcast for the Iraqis at the present time?
All assistance will be duly acknowledged in the book, and anonymity will be respected where requested. Thank you.
Mary Kenny 93 Middle Street, Deal, Kent CT14 6JN email: maryk@dircon.co.uk If you would like to email letters for publication, please send them to letters@spectatorco.uk, including your postal I address and telephone number.