12 AUGUST 1848, Page 10

Last night's Gazette notifies that the Queen had appointed Colonel

Sir William Macbean George Colebrooke to be Governor and Commander-in-chief of Barbados, Grenada, St. Vincent, Tobago, and St. Lucia.

Mr. Burge, late M.P., made an application in York County Court, on Tuesday, for his interim discharge from custody in York Gaol; where he has been confined for debt these last eighteen months. Mr. Burge while in Parliament received 1,0001, a year as agent for the island of Jamaica; he afterwards was appointed Bank- ruptcy Commissioner, at a salary of 1,8001. a year; but subsequently took the benefit of the Insolvent Debtors Act. His debts are 40,0001., and his assets 50/ ; and the application for his discharge was opposed, on the ground that these debts were incurred without reasonable hope that they could be paid. The Judge con- sidered Mr. Burge had not entitled himself to an interim order for discharge, and appointed the 15th September for his first examination.