Tuesday, August 8.
G. and J. Braund, Exeter, woollendrapers-Hoare and Crosby, Ringwood, Hamp- shire, builders-Hammond and Grimsdale, Uxbridge, mustard-manufacturers-Glad- stone and Co. Manchester, general brokers-Hicks and OUNicol, Liverpool, surgeon- Scruby and Gingen, Epping, corn-factors-Canter and Carter, Barnsley, linen-manu- facturers-Statham and Bates, Manchester, commission-agenta -Tristram and Clay- ton, Halliwell, manufacturers of cotton goods -J. and J. Harrop, Manchester, woollen- manufactarers-Newton and Booker, Liverpool, wine-dealers-Bird and Hodgson, Kes- wick-Brown and Parnell, Old Broad Street, stalloncrsPeters and Abbot, Bristol, attornies-Tookey and Henn, Birmingham, file-manufacturers-Geissler and CO. Man- chester, merchants -3111burn and Usher, ropemakers-Jones and Roberts, Liverpool, Iinendrapers-W. and J. Rawnsley, Halifax, stone-dealers-Payn and Harvey, Leeds, cloth-merchants-Mattes and Leon, Copthall Court, merchants-W. and J. Allingham, Upper Russell Street, Bermondsey, worsted-manufacturers.
GLOVES, SAMUEL, Park Street, Grosvenor Square, builder, Aug. 7.
ssautsurror ANNULLED.
CHASKE, Josun Jens, Lowestoft, Suffolk, linendraper.
BANKRUPTS. • • CHAMPION, Thomas JAMES, Tunbridge Wells, bootmaker, to surrender Aug. 19, Sept. 23 : solicitor, Mr. Scarman, Basinghall Street ; official assignee, Mr. Green, Alderman- bury.
FERGUSON, Tuomes, and Co. Manchester, commission-merchants; Aug. 21, Sept. 8: solicitors, Messrs. Reed and Co. Friday Street, Cheapside ; Messrs. Sale and Co. Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Pott, Manchester.
Gardens.. joint, Lymington, upholsterer, Aug. 17, Sept. 15; solicitor, Mr. Barber, Furniial's Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street.
HUBBARD, JOSEPH, Dorking, linendraper, Aug. '17, Sept. 22 : solicitors, Messrs. Hardwick and Davidson, Basinghall Street ; official assignee, Mr. Carman, Birchin Lane. SHOTTLEWORTEI, Josern PEACE, Birmingham, mathematical-instrument,maker, Aug. 22, Sept. 19: solicitor, Mr. Ryland, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham.
STEERS, JAMES, Guildford, watchmaker, Aug. 19, Sept. 25 : solicitor, Mr. Spyer, Broad Street Buildings; official assignee, Mr. Green, Aldermanbury.
SWAINSON, CRARLEs LOWE, and BIRCHWOOD, Jong, Manchester, manufacturers, Aug. 21, Sept. 12 : solicitors, Messrs. Pittendreigh and Co. Gray's Inn ; Mr. Baker, Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Fraser, Manchester.
Snow, Jenne CRESCENT, Bristol, carrier, Aug. 22, Sept. 19: solicitors. Messrs. Jones Co. Crosby Square ; Messrs. Peters and Abbot,- Bristol ; official assignee, Mr. Hutton, Bristol.
TURNER, DAVID, Sheffield, innkeeper, Aug. 19, Sept. 30 : solicitors, Brr: Moss, Ser- geants' Inn ; Mr. Ryalls, Sheffield ; official assignee, Mr. Freeman, Sheffield. WAKEFIELD, THOMAS, Lenton, Nottinghamshire, merchant, Aug. 25, Sept. 22: solicitors, Mr. Parsons, Nottingham ; official assignee, Mr. Bittieston, Nottingham. WEBSTER, GEORGE, Hedge Row, Islington, victualler, Aug. 18, Sept. 22: solicitors, Messrs. Hilleary, Fenchurch Street ; officialese:gime, Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street.
Aug. 29, Quarterman, Oxford, breeches-maker-Aug. 31, Ball, Wells, Somersetshire. innkeeper-Aug. 31, Hata, otherwise Baker, Wells, Somersetshire, milliner-Sept. 6, Gee, Dukinfield, Cheshire, cotton-spinner.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.
Aug. 31, Jewesson, Great Winchester Street, merchant-Aug. 31, 1:leaking, Canter- bury Place, Union Road, Surrey, grocer-Sept. 1, Gibbs, Oxford, grocer-Aug. 31, Clay, Cheapslde, warehouseman-Aug. 29, Murphy, Church Street, Camberwell, plumber- Aug. 30, Roxby, Lime Street, ship-broker-Aug. 30, Lane, Lisson Grove North, corn- dealer-Aug. 29, Dobson, Harlow, Essex, surgeon-Aug. 29, Pluckrose, Kingsiand Road, tea-dealer-Sept. 5, Webber, Cheltenham. grocer-Sept. 5, Jakeways, Pontypool, victualler-Aug. 30, Gates, Bristol, victualler-Aug. 30, Howard, Cheltenham, oil-mer- chant-Aug. 30, Merritt, Pensford, Sornersetshirs, farmer-Aug. 31, Whitaker, Salford. wine-dealer-Aug. 31, Holcroft, Manchester, silk-manufacturer-Sept. 5, Heywood, Manchester, auctioneer-Sept. 6, Cooke, Manchester, timber-merchant-Aug. 29, Fran- cis, Liverpool, tailor-Sept. 7, Ilenfrey, Leamington Priors, victualler.
To be confirmed unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before Aug. 29.
Jones, Botwright Buildings, Hackney Road, grocer-Ansell, Pontypool, furniture- broker-Smith, Bristol, timber-dealer-Ray, Longton, Stoke-upon-Trent, china-mann- facturerFord, Burford, Oxfordshire, innkeeper-Morrell, Belper, innkeeper-Blount, Ripley, grocer-Child, Wakefield, grocer-Worsley, Preston, cotton-spinner-Boughton, Leicester, wine.merchant-Mayne, Leeds, tobacco-manufacturer-Turtlll, High Hal- berd, saddler-Fletcher, Great Winchester Street, manufacturer of steel.
Binder, Leeds, butcher ; final die. of 4.s. 4Id , 3s. W., and 2s. 4d., on any day after the 8th of August ; Mr. Hope, I.ceds-Carne senior, Truro, provision-merchant ; second div. of Is. lid. iu addition to is. on new proofs, any Tuesday ; Mr. Hirtzel, Exe- ter-Burns, Exeter, general draper ; first div. of Gs. 8d. any Tuesday ; Mr. Hirtzel, Eider-131104 Plymouth, hosier ; first div. of 155. any Tuesday ; Mr. Ilirizel, Exeter -Skemp, Bidefordi draper ; first div. of 6s. Tid. any Tuesday ; Mr. Illrtzel, Exeter- Bender, Bodmindiromnonger • first div. of 2s. 6d. any Tuesday ; Mr. Hirtzel, Exeter -Pidgeon, Honiton, wine-merchant ; first dia, of is. 8d. any Tuesday ; Mr. Hirtzel, Exeter-J. and Shepherd, Exeter, wine-merchants ; second div. 3d. in addition to 4r. on new proofs,lbn the joint estate ; second div. of Is. 2/1. on the separate estate of J. Shepherd ; and fir* div. of Is. id. on the separate estate of B. Shepherd, any Tuesday ; Mr. ilirtzel, Exeter-Bensusan, Magdalen Row, Great Prescott Street, merchant ; first div. of 10d. on separate estate, any Thursday after the 15th of October next ; Mr. Pen- nell, Guildhall Chambers-R. and R. Weatherhog, Stone, Kent, farmers ; second div. of lb. 4d. any Thursday after the 15th of October next ; Mr. Pennell, Guildhall chambers -Smith, Bridge Road, Battersea, nurseryman ; first div. of 6d. any Thursday after the 15th of October next ; Mr. Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Hammond, Bognor, iron' monger ; first div. of Is. any Thursday after the 15th of October next ; Mr. Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Marsh, Hammersmith; first div. of 55. 5d. any Thursday after the 15th of October next ; Mr. Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Griffith and Pearson, New Bond Street, tailors • third div. of 9d. any Thursday after the 15th of October next ; Mr. Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-G. and E. K. Marsh, Camaby Street, Golden Square, drapers ; first div.of 3s. 6d. any Thursday after the 15th of October next ; Mr. Pennell, Guildball Chambers-Armstrong. Norwich, draper ; second dlv. of 10d. any Thursday after the 15th of October next ; Mr. Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Strong and Hos- kin& Dye House Wharf, Clink Street, Southwark ; first div. of Is. any Thursday after the 15th of October next ; Mr. Pennell, Guddball Chambers-Kendson and Broadbent junior, Gall, Littleborough, calico-printers; second div. of Is. Id. and 4s. 2d. on new proofs, Aug. 15, or any Tuesday after Oct. 4 ; Mr. Fraser, Manchester-Tattersall, Da- vies Street, Berkeley Square, saddler ; first die. of 2s. 6d. any Saturday before Aug. 17 ; Mr. Green, Aldermanbury. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.
Edgley and Co. Glasgow, manufacturers, Aug. 11, Sept. 1-Broughton, Edinburgh, boarding-school-keeper, Aug. 14, Sept. 4- &ton, Glasgow, tavern-keeper, Aug. 11, Sept. 1--.Johnston, Aberdeen, ship-owner, Aug. 15. Sept. S-Blair, Glasgow, dealer in shares, Aug. 15, Sept. 8-Frier, Edinburgh, corn-merchant, Aug. 15, Sept. 5-Cochran, Glasgow, tea-merchant, Aug. 14, Sept. 4-Shackleton, Aberdeen, woolatapler, Aug. 14, Sept. 8-Burns, Avondale, Stirlingshire, writer to the signet, Aug. 14, Sept. 4.
Friday, August 11.
Dentists and Co. Lime Street, wine-merchants-Hillary and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, elvers; so far as regards S. Atkinson-Rossell and Co. Sheffield, file-manufacturers- simbach and Ingram, Hull, ship-brokers-Bancroft and Son, Halifax, flour-dealers-
Tleffry and Son, Plymouth, corn-Merehant8- WIld and Jackson, Oldham, pawnbrokers -Wild and Winterbottom, Salford, pawnbrokers- Flint and Co. and Wilding and Co. Liverpool, ship-chandlers-A. H. and A. Bees, Queen's Row, Pimlico, watchmakers- J. and J. Fotbergill, Nottingham, slaters-J. and IL Lindley, Stratford-upon-Avon, cutlets-Mackford and Chism, Liverpool, provision-merehants-Veasey stud Co. Hun- tingdon, merchants-Horsffeld and Co. Holston, near Nantwich, bone-grinders--Coch- ran and Co. Hull, fruit-merchants ; as far as regards it. Ouston-Jones and Abbinett, Liverpool, boat-builders-Wright and Stock, Woodbridge, tailors-Ttndale Fell Speller Company, Brampton Cumberlandshire-Johnson senior and Johnson junior, Exeter, coal-merchants-Cowell and Co. Calcutta, merchants-Gill and Smith, Kettering, iron- mongers-S. and G. Hooper, Fleet Street, statIoners-Catlin and Cook, Terrace, Old Kent Road, printers-Wells and Co. Galway, grocers.
JOHNSTON, ROBERT, Aberdeen, merchant.
AUSTIN, JAMES, Mist/Ion:ton, builder, to surrender Aug. 22, Sept. 13 : solicitors, Mr. Keddell, Lime Street ; Messrs. Sanders and Kitson, or Mr. Stogdon, Exeter ; official assignee, Mr. Il1F1xni, Exeter.
COraNt1rr, HENRY, Peruses, baker, Aug. 24, Sept. 25 : solicitors, Sir. Low, Chancery Lane ; Messrs. Ford, Portsmouth ; official assignee, Mr. Carman, urchin Lane.
DE YEAR, Thomas SAMUEL, Lisle Sired, Liocester Square, currier, Aug. 24, Sept. 29: solicitor, Mr. Caftan's, Mark Lane ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, BasIngliall Street.
GARBANATI, Pats, Newman Street, carver and gilder, Aug. 23, Sept. 20 : solicitor, Mr. Whalley, Gray's Inn; official assignee, Mr. Stansfeld, King's Arms Yard.
ORINsELL, Jose, Wolveritempton. grocer, Aug. 22, Sept. 19 : solicitors, Messrs. Mottram and Co. Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Christie, Birmingham.
HILL. Cesium, St. Peter, Herefordshire. linendraper, Aug. 22, Sept. 19: solicitors, Mr. Pritchard, Hereford ; Mr. Bloxham, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham.
Humus junior, HENRY, Birkenhead, innkeeper, Aug. 22, Sept. 15: solicitors, Messrs. Sweeting and Co. Southampton Buildings ; Air. Whitley, Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool.
Joxes, Davin, Liverpool, linendmper, Aug. 22, Sept. 29: solicitors, Messrs. COM.. thwalte and Co. Old Jewry Chambers; Mr. Pemberton, Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool.
Stoners, JosEPII Anemia/a, Manchester, bootmaker, Aug. 21, Sept. 12: solicitors, Messrs. Lofty and Co. King Street, Cheapside ; Mr. Dearden, Manchester ; official as- signee, Mr. Fraser, Manchester.
Peewee, WILLIAM, Birmingham, maitster, Aug. 29, Sept. 26: solicitor, Mr. Tarleton, Birmingham; official assignee, Sir. Whitmore, Birmingham.
Pornwees, CHARLES, Banbury, tailor, Aug. 19, Sept. 25 : solicitors. Messrs. W. and H. P. Sharp, Gray's Ire; Mr. Franellion, Banbury ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, BasInghall Street.
RAin, JAMES, Hanover Court, Long Acre, builder, Aug. 18, Sept. 25: solicitors, Messrs. Hayes and Co. Craig's Court ; official assignee, Mr. Canaan, 'Urchin Lane.
Rowe, ALERANDER, Plymouth, grocer, Aug. 31, Sept. 13: solicitors, Messrs. Surr and Gribble, Lombard Street ; IIIr. Elworihy, Plymouth ; /dr. Sto,gdon, Exeter; official assignee, Mr. Herrman, Exeter.
WILLIAMS, TOMAS, Llangefai, Anglesey. draper, Aug. 22, Sept. 12: solicitors, Mr. Oliver, Old Jewry Chambers; Messrs. Evans and Sons, Liverpool; official. assignee,. Mr. Turner, Liverpool.
Womtams, WILLIAM, Colchester, hatmaker, Aug. 19, Sept. 25 : solicitor, Mr. Bull, Ely Place, Holborn ; official assignee, 31r. Carman, Birchin Lane.
Sept. 1; 'Wright, Poland Street, builder-Sept. 2, Mason, Lime Street Square, mer- chant - Sept. 7, L. and M. Woolf, Penzance, brewers-Sept. 7, Millman, Plymouth, taller-Sept. 7, Berry, Barnstaple, grocer-Sept. 7, Galpin, Broadwindsor, innkeeper. CERTIFICATES.
ib be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.
Sept. 1, Hewitt, Strand, bookseller-Sept. 1, Wheatley, Ruxted, Sussex, wheelwright -Sept. 1, Wbtnney, Penton Street, victualler-Sept. 2, Shaves, Coles Terrace, Isling- ton, plumber- Sept. 2, Butler, Ludgate Hill, stationer-Sept. 2, 14`Dounell, Trinity Square, wine-broker-Sept. 2, Bowden. Werringtou Street, St. Pancras, builder-Sept. 4, Coop, Radcliffe, Umber-merchant-Sept. I, Cooper, York, stock-broker-Sept. 5, Hill and Stock,ITremadoe, Camarvonshire, manufacturers of slate goods-Sept. 8, Johnston, Stamford, hosier-Sept. 7, ilingley, Liverpool, chain-brace-manufacturer-Sept. 2, Boyce, Birmingham, umbrelia-fureiture-manufacturer,
To be confirmed unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before Sept. i. Warrington. Tottenham, farmer-Rooney, Liverpool. tailor-Bentley, Salford, roller-maker-Wilkins, Bristol. builder-Knight, Waltham St. Lawrence, brewer- Woolston, Stamford, bricknsaker-Stockley, Rainsgate, upholsterer.
Hammon, Threadneedle Street, architect; die. of Is. lid. any day until the 16th Aug. ; Mr. Follett, Sambrook Court-Porter, Great Tower Street, wine-merchant; dlr. of 2s. 3d. any day until the 16th Aug.; Mr. Follett, Sambrook Court-Green, St. Mary Overfes Docks, Southwark, wharlinger ; div. of Es. any day until the 16th Aug. • Mr. Follett, Sambrook Court- Hope, Tunbridge Wells, grocer ; first div. of Is. 3d. Aug. 16, and last three Wednesdays in October ; Mr. Turquand, Guildhall Chambers- Francis, Folkestone, ironn.onger ; first die. of 2s. 6d. Aug. 16, and last three Wednes- days lu October ; Mr. Turquand. Guildhall Chambers-A. and D. Winton and Webber. Wood Street, Cheapslde, warehouseman ; third div. of Is. Id. on the separate estate of J. Webber, Aug 16. and last three WedildayS in October ; Mr. Turquand, Guildhall Chambers-Kemp, Uxbridge, grocer ; first div. of Is. Aug. 16. and last three Wednes- days in October ; Mr. Turquand, Guildhall Chambers-Kerr, Harley Street, St. Mary- lebone, bookseller ; first dividend of 4s. August 16, and last three Wednesdays October ; Mr. Turquand, Guildhall Chambers-Notes and Co. Walling Street, warehousemen ; div. of 8s. on the separate estate of 0. Beck ; dividend of 6s. 6d. on the separate estate of R. T. Bartlett ; and a div. of 3s. 4d. on the sepa- rate estate of J, Cootes, any day until the 16th Aug.; Mr. Follett, Sambrook Court- Softlaw, Adelaide Place, London l•ridge, selne-merchant; div. of Cid. any day until Aug. 16; Mr. Follett, Sambrook Court-Faikner and Fabian, Old Broad Street, Merchants; dlv. of 2.s. any day until Aug. 16; Mr. Follett, Sambrook Court-Osborn, Sheffield, wine-merchant ; first die. of 8s. Aug. 12, 14, 15, and any Saturday after Oct. 17; Mr. Freeman, Sheffield-Tipper, Maiden Lane. Cheapside, stationer ; first die. of Is.21d. any Wednesday, except between Aug. 17 and Nov. 1 ; 31r. Whitmore, Basing- ball Street-Bench/millers, Strand, bookseller ; first die. of 3s. GM any Wednesday, ex- cept between Aug. 17 and Nov. I ; Mr. Whitmore, Batsingliall Striet.-Middle, Brigh- ton, grocer; first div. of 5s. 61d. any Wednesday, except between Aug. 17 and Nov. 1 ; Mr. Whitmore, Basingliall Street-Benton, Tottenham Court Road, pawnbroker ; first die. of Is. any Wednesday, except between Aug. 17 and Nov. I ; Mr. Whitmore, Ba- Meehan Street-J. J. and it. Ferens Durham, drapers; first die. of 4s. any day before Aug. 16, or any Saturday alter Oct. l ; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upuu;Tyno-31•Donald, Newcastie-upon-Tyne, contectinner; first die. of 6s. any day before Aug. 16, or any Saturday after Oct. 1 ; Aft. Baker, Newcastle-upou-Tyne-Kesteven, Camden Town, builder ; first div. of 2s. any day before Aug. 16 ; 31r. Groom, Abcburcli Lune.
SCVDCII SEQUESTRATIoNt. Gilmour, Lochwinnoelt,Ilanfrewshire, farmer, Aug. 17, Sept. 7-01ftrdIner and Calla- loch, Glasgow, 611k-mercers, Aug. 18, Sept. 8-Moodie, Cocklaw, Fileshire. Aug. 16, Sept. 16 -11allandene, Perth, writer, Aug. 17, Sept. 14-Waddell, Muiravonside, fanner, Aug. 18, Sept. 8-Shaw, Clackmannan, baker, Aug. 18, Sept. 8 - Mackenzie. Dingwall, merchant, Aug. 17, Sept. l4-Itetdtin, Airdrie, grocer, Aug. 18, SekL 15.