12 AUGUST 1848, Page 8

We have seen a letter addressed to a gentleman at

this. place from a naval officer who was at Bermuda at the tire° that Mr. Mitchel arrived there, in which the writer says—" I have seen the newly-arrived heroic patriot lodged and ticketed No. 1,769." This shows that Mr. Mitchel has been treated like other convicts, having now his number in the gang.—Plymouth Journal.

The Galway papers report the death of Mr. George Nimmo, civil engineer. He was drowned by the upsetting of a boat in one of the Connemara bays, along with two men, who were with him.

The Abbe F. Ximenea was assassinated at Rome on the 27th July, at the mo- ment when he was going to embrace the freres, on their return from the first Ita- lian war. We believe that polities had nothing to do with the crime.—Con- temporaneo.

Sir Henry Vere Huntley was heard as an insolvent debtor at Maidstone County Court, on Friday. He had been Lieutenant-Governor of Gambia, and afterwards of Prince Edward's Island; and he attribnted his insolvency to the feat that the allowance made to him as Lieutenant-Governor was wholly inadequate to meet his expenses abroad. Counsel appeared for some of the creditors to claim an ap. portionment of Sir Henry's income; but it appeared that be has only 8s. 6d. a day as a Commander in the Navy, and that Lady Huntley has no income. The counsel declined to ask the Court to set aside part of the half-pay for the credi- tors; and Mr. Esperance ordered Sir Henry, who had been in Maidstone Gaol, to be discharged forthwith.