We understand that General Sir John Burgoyne left London last
night for the East ; report says, for Sebastopol.—Morning Herald.
Mr. Steele, of Derwent Bank, the new Member for Cockermoutli, in the room of the late Mr. Aglionby, took his seat last night in the House of Commons.
A new writ was ordered for the borough of Marylebone, in the room of Sir Benjamin Hall.
Mr. Tom Taylor has been appointed Secretary of the new Board of Health, with a salary of 1000/.
Orders have been received in Edinburgh to prepare the Royal apart- ments in Ilolyrood Palace for the use of the Queen and the Royal Family on their journey to Balmoral. They are to be ready by the beginning of September.
The Court of Directors of the East India Company have passed a re- solution to the effect that if future candidates for direct appointments are not found qualified on their first examination, they may be allowed a second trial within the next ensuing six months ; and if not found quali- fied at a second trial, their nominations will revert to their patrons. Those who have been already examined and have not passed will be allowed one trial more within the next six months; and if they then fail, their appointments will also be returned to their respective patrons,