Excess in the Estimates over those of the preceding year, for Army, Navy, and Ordnance (Voted in February) £2,257,236 Supplemental—Army (15,000 men) . (Voted in March) .. 570,000 Supplemental—Navy (5,000 men) (Voted in May). — 1,457,031 Supplemental—Army (Transport of Troops) (Voted in May). — 3,096,700 Supplemental—Army (14,799 men) (Voted in May .... 300,000 Supplemental—Ordnance (Voted in May .... 742,132 Department of War Minister (Voted in July .... 17,300 Pnsoners of War 20,000 Militia—(excess over preceding year) (Voted in July).... 519,260 Supplemental—Artillery (Voted in August).. 58,139 £9,037,798 War Credit. (Voted in July). ... £3,000,000
Income-tax (doubled, 5d. to 10d.; 7d. to 14d.)—additional re-
venue £6,557,000 Excise-duties: increase in the Malt-tax 2,450,000 Excise-duties : increase in Scotch and Irish Spirits 450,000 Sugar-duties : increase in Sugar and Molasses 700,000 Estimated Revenue £10,157,000 Estimated "Surplus" for 1854-'5, applicable War expenditure
to the ) £1,666,000
Income-Tax, No. 2. Excise-Duties.
Customs-Duties (Sugar and Spirits). Excise-Duties (Sugar). Consolidated Fund, 8.000,0001. Exchequer Bills, 1,750,0001. Exchequer Bills, 16,024,1001. Excbequer Bonds, 6,000,0001. Consolidated Fund, 8,000,0001.
Encumbered Estates, West Indies. Jamaica Loan.
Indian Appointments. Legislative Council, Canada.
Oxford University. Bribery, &c. (an amalgamation of the Bills of Lord John Russell, Mr. Wal- pole, and Sir Fitzroy Kelly.) Public Revenue and Consolidated Fund Charges. Coasting Trade Bill, to open to Foreign- ers.
Merchant Shipping Acts Repeal. Merchant Shipping. Usury Laws Repeal. Stamp-duties : to improve Scale. Standard of Gold and Silver Wares.
Customs, further amendment. Railway and Canal Traffic Regulation. Assessed Taxes Act Amendment: to ex- plain. Insurance on Lives (abatement of In- come-tax) Continuance. Land, Assessed, and Income Taxes. Public Health Board : President and Se- cretaries.
Savings-Banks. Common Law Procedure.
Acknowledgment of Deeds by Married Women.
Bankruptcy. Court of Chancery, County Palatine of Lancaster.
Court of Chancery. Youthful Offenders.
Gaming-Houses : to facilitate entrance of Officers.
Manning the Navy. Navy Pay. &c. Mutiny. Marine Mutiny. Militia: to facilitate Embodiment.
Militia, No. 2. Militia, Scotland. Militia, Ireland. Militia Ballots (Suspension). Militia Pay. Devonport and Keyham Tunnel, No. 2. Admiralty Court: Administering Oaths. Vice-Admiralty Court, Mauritius. Royal Military Asylum. Common, &c. Rights (Ordnance). Holyhead Harbours. Ministers-Money, &c., Ireland: to adjust. Valuation, Ireland, Act Amendment. Boundary Survey, Ireland.
Convict -Prisons, Ireland.
Dublin Carriage. Dublin Port. • National Gallery, Dublin. Turnpike Acts Continuance, Ireland. Liner., &c. Manufactures, Ireland. Poor-law Commission Continuance, Ire- land.
Land Revenues of the Crown, Ireland. Towns Improvement, Ireland. Spirits, Ireland: to facilitate Collection of Revenue.
Mayo County Advances. Crime and Outrage Act (Ireland) Con- tinuance. Registration of Births, &c., Scotland. Heritable Securities, Scotland. Sheriff and Sheriff-Clerk of Chancery, Scotland.
Joint Stock Banks, Scotland. Parochial Schoolmasters, Scotland. Valuation of Lands, Scotland. Church-Building Acts Continuance. Church-Building Acts Amendment. Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction.
Episcopal and Capitular Estates Manage- ment.
Portland, &c. Chapels. Public Statues: to place under Public Care.
Warwick Assizes.
Commons Enclosure.
Commons Enclosure, No. 2. Enclosure, &c., of Land. Turnpike Trusts Arrangements. Turnpike Acts Continuance. Poor-law Board Continuance.
Metropolitan Sewers. Union Charges Continuance. Burials beyond the Metropolis. Indemnity. New Forest.
Highway Rates. Borough Rates. General Board of Health.
Stock in Trade Exemption. Duchy of Cornwall Office. Highways Public Health Act. Consolidated Fund.
Marriages, Mexico.
Parliamentary Representation. Vacating of Seats: Reflection unneces- sary on changing Office. Controverted Elections. • Poor-law : to abolish Compulsory Re- moval.
Canterbury Bribery Prevention, and four others.
Testamentary Jurisdiction. Police : Counties and Boroughs. Wreck and Salvage. Colonial Clergy Disabilities. Customs Tariff Acts Consolidation. Divorce and Matrimonial Causes (with- drawn in the Lords). Cinque Ports (dropped in the Lords). Chancery Amendment (dropped in the Lords).
Parliamentry Oaths : to Substitute one Oath (lost on second reading, May 25, by 251 to 247.) Education (Scotland) : to improve and increase Schools (lost on second read- ing, May 12, by 193 to 184.) Public Health Act Amendment : to re- model Board of Health (lost on second reading, by 74 to 65.) The Lord Chancellor's Seven Bills for the Consolidation of the Criminal Law lie over ; also Lord Brougham's Bills on the subject of Scotch Bankruptcy, Declaratory Suits, the Conveyance of Real Property, Education iu Corporate Towns, and Bills of Exchange—the last to replace the Bill lost in the Commons. Lord Kinnaird has introduced for fu- ture consideration a bill to promote Education in Scotland.
Registration of Bills of Sale. (Earl of liarrowby.)
Number of Ministerial Bills introduced 121 Passed into Law 101 Lost—withdrawn (17), rejected (3) 20
BILLS WHICH RAVE (BECOME Law. Russian Government Securities. (Lord Highways, South 'Wales. (Sir Joseph pudleyStuarL ) Bailey,) Witnesses: compel better attendance.
County Courts Extension Acts: expla- ( M r. Isaac Butt.) natory. (Lord Brougham.) Benefices Augmentation. (Bishop of London.) Industrial and Provident Societies: to
amend Act of 1852. (Lord Goderich.) Prisoners Removal. (Earl of Devon.) High Treason, Ireland : to Assimilate
to Law of England. (Mr. Whiteside.) Registration of Bills of Sale, Ireland. (Mr. Grogan.) Ecclesiastical Courts : improved mode of taking Evidence. (Mr. Robert Philli- more.) Cruelty to Animals. (Mr. Mullings.) Returning Officers : to amend the Law. (Mr. S. Fitzgerald.) Jury Trial, Scotland : to render unanimi- ty unnecessary in Civil Causes. (Mr. Dunlop.) Reformatory Schools, Scotland. (Mr. Dunlop.) Friendly Societies Acts Continuance. (Mr. Sotheron.) Friendly Societies, No. 2. (Mr. John Abel Smith.) Public Libraries. (Mr. Ewart.) Sale of Beer, &c.: to shorten Sunday traffic. (Mr. W. Patten.) Real Estate Charges. ( Mr. Locke King.) Literary and Scientific Institutions. (Mr. Hutt.) Medical Graduates, University of Lon- don. (Mr. Bell.) Mortmain. (Mr, Headlam.) Public Libraries and Museums. (Mr. Ewart.)
Carlisle Canonries. (Mr. Ferguson.) Bankruptcy, Ireland. (Mr. Cairns.) Piers and Harbours, Scotland. (Sir A. Campbell.)
Criminal Conversation. (Mr. Bowyer.) Criminal Procedure. (Mr. AglionGy.) Borough Boundaries, Scotland. (51r. Bouverle.) Church-Rates : to relieve Dissenters. (Mr. Packe.) Church-Rates Abolition. (Sir William Clay.) Bills of Exchange : Fraudulent Dealings. ( Mr. Digby Seymour.) Agricultural Averages, Ireland. (Mr. Bland.) Tithe Rent-Charge, Ireland. (Mr. Bland.) Court of Common Law, Ireland. (Hr. Whiteside.) Jurors and Juries, Ireland. (Mr. White- side.)
Poor-law, Scotland. (Mr. Edward El- lice.)
Letters Patent for Inventions. (Mr. Pei- lett.) Medical Graduates, Ireland and Scotland. (Colonel Dunne.) Highways. (Mr. Knight.) Mines Taxation, Ireland. (Mr. John Fitsjserald.) Marriage Acts. (Mr. Cbeetham.) Chimney-Sweepers. (Earl of Shaftesbury.) Church Building Acts Amendment, No. 2. (Earl of Harrowhy.)
Nuisances Removal and Diseases Pre- vention Acts Consolidation. (Earl of Shaftesbury.)
Bleaching, &c., Works. (Earl of Shaftes- bury.
Bills of) Exchange, No. 2. (Lord Brough- am.)
Vaccination Act Amendment. (Lord Lyttelton.) Judgment Execution, &c., dropped in the Lords. (Mr. Craufurd.) Married Women, dropped in the Lords. (Mr. Malins.) Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, dropped in the Lords. (Mr. Digby Seymour.) Criminal Justice, Metropolis, dropped in
the Lords. (Mr. S. Wortley.) Drainage of Lands, lost in the Lords.
Episcopal and Capitular Estates. (Mar- quis of Blandford.) Stannaries Court, No. 2. (Mr. Collier.) Medical Practitioners, No. 2. (Air. Brady.) Irish Fisheries. (Mr. WItfahon.) Improvement of Towns, Ireland. (Mr. Russ Moore.) Succession to Real Estate. (Mr. Locke King.) Friendly Societies. (Mr. Sotheron.) Public Prosecutors. (Mr. John Philli- more.) Payment of Wages. (Mr. Chas Forster.) Tenants Compensation, Ireland. (Mr. Sergeant Shee.)
Property Qualification. (Mr. Tufnell.) Absconding Debtors, Ireland. (Mr. Na- pier.)
Uniform Assessment. (Mr. Feto.) Simony Law Amendment. (Mr. Robert Vestries. (Mr. Evelyn.) Payment of Wages, Hosiery. (Sir Henry H alford.) Hustings Expenses. (Mr. Hume.) Highways, District Surveyors. (Mr. Frewen.) Declarations, in place of Oaths. (Mr. Paint.) Property Disposal : Religious Vows. The Irish Land Bills which passed the (Mr. Whiteside.) Lords made no progress in the Commons.
Public-Houses. (Mr. William Brown.) Dublin Hospitals. (Mr. Grogan.) Metropolitan Bridges. (Mr. Oliveira.) Conventual and Monastic Institutions,
not nominated. (Mr. Thomas Cham-
Grand Jury Laws, Ireland. (Mr. Mac- artney.)
Inns of Court (Royal Commission of In- quiry). (Mr. Napier.)
Emigration Ships. (Mr. John O'Connell.) Ventilation of the House. (Mr. Spooner.) Case of Henry. Stonor : alleged Corrupt
Appointment to a Colonial Judgeship. ( Mr. Moore.) Crown Forests. (Mr. Drummond.) Medical Relief to the Poor. (Mr. Pigott.) Prerogative Court : Custody of Deeds. (Mr. Home.) Thames Marshes : Sanitary Effect. (Sir Edmund Filmer.) Eccnomical Printing. (Mr. John Greene.) Loan Fund SoCieties, Ireland. (Mr. Pol- lard Urquhart.)
The Committee on Parliamentary Papers has not made any report, neither has the Commission appointed to inquire into the Inns of Court The two Committees which close the list have been too recently appointed allow of any progress being made. Practical results have arisen fro several of the inquiries. The " Small Arms" Committee led to the po0 ponement of the Government proposal for the erection of a large manufac for the smaller description of arms ; Sir John Pakington's Committee on " Business of the House " led to the useful result of Bills put down for sideration in Committee being proceeded with continuously, should it jection be announced to any bill being so treated. Mr. William Br "Public-House" Committee gave rise to Mr. Wilson Patten's Bi or the shortening of Sunday traffic; Mr. Spooner's Committee has improv the ventilation of the House. The bill for the repeal of the Usury-laws 11' ated in the report of the Committee which inquired into the qua n of Limited Liability.
The Lords held 98 sittings, representing 263 hours. The Commons held 144 sittings, representing 948 hours.
The average length of each sitting of the Upper House was 2} Wm ; of the Lower, Gt hours, somewhat less than the average of last sessiol
The number of divisions was 240.
In no instance has the attendance marked the lively interest wich quei tions in previous sessions have excited. The muster at the divinns,which threw out the Oaths Bill, and which affirmed the increase in th
were the largest, 498 on each occasion : the division which ivolved the downfall of the Derby Administration included 592 Members.
On two occasions there was "no House" ; only one prematre " count- out " took place ; and that mode of bringing to an end discussios carried on with fewer than forty Members present may be deemed at an ad under the influence of the two-minute sand-glass and the electric bell which sound through the lobbies and corridors. To secure greater exactnee of method, e small piece of machinery has been submitted to experiment it is plated upon the table, and at the expiry of the two minutes a btl strikes; t Sergeant-at-Arms thereupon shuts the door, and the countin: of the hl em hers commences. Should the machine be deemed satisfacory, the two- minutes grace will be measured out by sand-glass and clockwork, the on checking the other.
Printing Papers. (Earl Granville.) National Education, Ireland. (Earl of Eglinton.) THE COMMONS.
Small Arms. (Mr. Monsell.) Conveyance of Mails by Railways. (Mr. Wilson.) Poor Removability. (Mr. Baines.) Parliamentary Papers : Mode of Distri- bution. (Mr. Tufnell.) Sligo Election : Mr. P. Somers's Com- plaint. (Mr. Isaac Butt.) Business of the House : How to Facili- tate. (Sir John Pakington.)
Calumnious Reflections on Irish Mem- bers, (Committee of Privileges). (Mr. Isaac Butt.)
Portuguese Claims: Case of Yuille, Shoe and Co. (Mr. Thomas Chambers.) Accidents in Coal-Mines. (Mr. Hut- chins.)