THERE is no military news of importance from Egypt. On this day last week a reconnaissance in force was made from Alexandria, by the help of the armour-clad train, by which it was discovered that Arabi is entrenched at Kafrdowar in greater force than was imagined. We lost two men killed and 22 wounded in the reconnaissance. The Arabs, though' acting on the defensive, are said to have lost seventy-three in killed alone, which only proves, however, the far better character of our artillery practice. No doubt, military events are really at a stand-still till Sir Garnet Wolseley, who passed Gibraltar on Tuesday (and was then quite recovered), reaches the front. The Duke of Connaught and the Scots Guards have reached Alex- andria, and General Macpherson left Bombay on Wednesday, so that towards the end of next week we shall have a consider- able force landed in Egypt, part coming from India and part from England, Mr. Childers said at the Mansion House on Wednesday that between 30,000 and 40,000 men are virtually on their way to Egypt from India and England, and that 16,000 had already left our own shores. Doubtless, Sir A. Alison does not think it right to anticipate the arrival of the superior Generals with the forces which they command.