On Ireland, Mr. Gladstone said that a very great improve-
ment had taken place in its condition since be last spoke in the City. Six months ago, the Land Act of last year was pro- nounced a dismal failure.' But that language is now used no longer, and there is no man "who can rise in his place in Par- liament, and say that that great and important Act is dismal failure.' Its operation is spreading from point to point over the whole of the soil of Ireland, and as it proceeds, the tenure of land in that country becomes gradually relieved by the judicial action of the Land Courts ; and the opinion of impartial, com- petent observers is that in the train of this Act peace and security follow, where destruction and outrage prevailed. Now, for a period of ivo months,—month after month and week after week,—a steady diminution, for which we cannot be too thank- ful, has been observed in those outrages which, formidable as they were in themselves, were yet more formidable as a symptom of a great and powerful conspiracy, organised with no mean skill, which had been set in motion for the purpose of breaking up every foundation of social order in that country." Mr. Gladstone also used the frankest possible language as to the condition of incapacity for its duties to which the House of Commons has been reduced, for it had now, he said, not become a question as to its power of performing all its duties, but as to its power " of performing any of them."