On the Bank Holiday, Lord Salisbury addressed a Conserva- tive
Working Men's Association at Hatfield, and commented with .great acridity on the course pursued in Egypt by this peace Ministry. On the Arrears Bill, it was evident that he was already uncertain how far he could carry his party with him, as he declared himself quite unable to tell what either House would do, though he then thought it possible the Lords might de- cline to pass a measure involving so dangerous a principle as that of this Bill without "the authorisation of the people,"—in other words, without a dissolution, and a declaration of the constitu- encies for the Arrears Bill. Ho made indeed a furious attack, so far as we understand his speech, on the principle of all Bankruptcy Acts, though he especially dislikes the application of Bankruptcy principles to land. He also developed at some length his prin- ciple of Irish policy and foreign policy,—which is, that you should strengthen your friends when you can, and do nothing for your enemies, even where you may think that justice re- quires you to do much for them. Lord Salisbury is not a squeamish politician.