The Lords considered on Thursday what the Commons had done
with their Amendments in a very meek spirit,—excepting
only Lord Salisbury, who in the frankest manner declared that he still regarded the principle of the Bill as a principle of plunder, and foresaw that, on " the germ theory," this prin- ciple would produce much evil fruit. He would take no responsibility for it, though he found himself in a small minority, and quite unable to carry the majority of his fellow- Peers with him. Indeed, the Daily News says,—on whose authority we do not know,—that out of upwards of a hundred Conservative Peers at Wednesday's meeting, only seventeen were with Lord Salisbury for continued resistance to the principle of compulsion. Whether Lord Salisbury will consent to head so refractory a party for the future, is, of course, still doubtful. If he is well advised, he will retire, like Achilles, to his tent.