Mosquito Control in Panama. By Joseph A. Le Prince, C.E.,
A.M., and A. G. Orenstein, M.D. (G. P. Putnam's Sone. 10a. fkL net.)— As Dr. L. 0. Howard points out in his introduction, " President Roose- velt early appreciated the fact that great as were the engineering difficulties to be surmounted in the making of the Panama Canal, the difficulties of sanitation would be fully as great, if not greater," and he 'therefore appointed Colonel (now Surgeon-General) Gorgaa and Mr. Le Prince, but lately returned from their "triumphant cleaning-up of Havana," to undertake the task of abolishing disease-carrying mosquitoes. The first part of the book deals with " The Anti-Malaria Campaign " and the second with " The Yellow Fever Campaign," and from them we can learn many things of general as well as scientific interest connected with work and life in the tropics. There are also a hundred illustrations, which help the reader to understand the look of the country, its swamps and its jungles, with which, no leas than with the mosquitoes and the contractors, these indefatigable pioneers of health successfully contended.