The Stalesman'a Year-Book, 1916. Edited by J. Scott Keltie and
M. Epstein. (Macmillan and Co. 10s. 6d. net. )—The fifty-third issue of this familiar and invaluable reference-book has swelled to sixteen hundred pages, and, despite the difficulties occasioned by the war, has been revised up to about the middle of June. The losses in the battle of Jutland, the new Italian Cabinet, and the now President of China, for example, are noted in the introduction. Our new Military Service Law is summarized, and there is a useful section on war finance. The maps illustrate railway schemes in Asiatic Turkey and Africa and the distribution of Germans throughout the world and in the United States, where Wisconsin and Minnesota appear to be the only States in which there are districts with over fifteen per cent. of Germans. The chapter on Germany naturally does not tell us what we want to know about her remaining reserves, but it gives the figures of the 1916-17 Budget and other recent information ; the pages on her colonies, of which a rapidly dwindling portion of East Africa, the largest, richest, and most populous, alone remains to her, are especially interesting.