THE Russo-Japanese affray, after proceeding in the habitual manner of Manchurian frontier affrays, but on a much larger scale, is to be suspended while a joint commission investigates. There is little doubt that the disputed hill of Changkufeng lies definitely within Russian territory ; whether it is actually held today by Russians or Japanese is hard to determine in face of the conflict between Moscow and Tokyo reports. A correspondent of the Daily Telegraph on the spot makes it clear that the hill was not in Russian hands on Tuesday, but it is doubtful whether the Japanese were in effective possession of it either. (Even if the hill were not on the Russian side of the frontier the Japanese claim to it would be bad, inasmuch as it rests on the rape of Manchukuo.) There are obvious reasons why Russia should riot want a large-scale war, or Japan a second large-scale war, at this moment, and a peaceful settlement is therefore probable. Now that Japan has abandoned her preposterous proposal of a demarcation com- mission on which Russia, Japan and Manchukuo should have equal representation the main objection to the appointment of a commission disappears, and M. Litvinoff could well agree to it. But if it should turn out that the Japanese Generals are in control, then no arguments based on reason would apply. They may still ignore the arrangement reached by Tokyo. The statement that Germany has assured Japan of her moral support may or may not be authentic ; in any case such an assurance only means that no other support will be forthcoming.
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