12 AUGUST 1938, Page 19

Sia,—The valuable and timely article -by. Richard Veagh has a

general as well as a " public school " application,. Youth,

[To (he Editor of THE SPECTATOR]

. when it has passed the " romancing-age " of boyhood, is always intellectually honest. Yet, it is deeply sad that at a period when he has learned something about nature, evolution and world-history, many a youth is asked to conform to re- ligious observances which he cannot honestly accept.

Thus, the unforgivable sin of intellectual dishonesty is inculcated, with dire results; chief among which is the neglect of the spiritual side of his nature. Surely, the Christian ideal can be taught without encumbering it with doctrinal ceremonial. Above all, the doctrine of reward and punishment should be expurgated and youth should be taught to do right because it is. right. True religion is utterly selfless.; it has no ulterior Motive. All this has, no doubt; been said before, but its repeti- tion, hovieiter lamely, seems to be indicated.—Yours- faithfully,

Bramber, Horsell Vale, Woking.