12 AUGUST 1938, Page 21


SIR,—With all respect to Lord Horder I find it extremely difficult to follow the reasoning of his article on the recent case of Dr. Bourne. If it is to be assumed to be the law that the operation for abortion is legal if a doctor considers that either the life or the mental equilibrium of a patient will be endangered by the birth of a child, it appears to me that the position of the co-called professional abortionist will, so far from being weakened, be immensely strengthened. I imagine that there are not many reputable doctors who would care to decide such, a question on their individual responsibility, whereas the professional abortionist could always defend him- self on the plea that he honestly believed that there was danger either to life or mentarequilibrium. The only way, as it seems to me, by which these practitioners could be abolished, would be to legalise the operation,' and although there are some people who advocate this, it is clear that it would not be sanc- tioned by public opinion. After all, the important question is not so much how to get rid of the illegal practitioner, as to decide in what circumstances, and with what safeguards, an operation for abortion should be made legal. This matter is under the consideration of a Commission presided over by a distinguished lawyer, and whatever conclusion they may arrive at, I venture to think they will not recommend that it should be put in the power of an individual doctor to decide whether or-not such an operation could rightly be performed. For these reasons, although I have no doubt that Dr. Bourne was actuated by excellent motives in the course he adopted, I am unable to see that this has been, of any real assistance in the solution of the problem.—I am, Sir, your obedient servant,