[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR]
SIR,—Mr. Ross-Lewin asks what the " class interest of a small minority " has to do with the Spanish problem. My question associated that interest with " the Government's policy " in general. With particular reference to Spain, the Duchess of Atholl wrote in May, " It has been easier for the wealthier people who support General Franco to make their case known in influential quarters in other countries." Mr. G. T. Garratt wrote in March, " The resignations of Mr. Eden and Lord Cranborne have emphasised the ultimate predominance of our new internationalists, that queer class of wealthy Englishmen who are the friends of the Anglophobes in every country of the world." Recently I heard the Dean of Chichester say that on his return from Spain he went to see some charming and cultured friends who wished to hear his experiences, "But remember," they warned him, " that we are on the side of Franco, because we are people of property."—I am, Sir, &c.,'