[To the Editor of TIIE SPECTATOR]
Sw,—Admiration for Janus on world affiirs must not blind one to his failings. He is unsound on the subject of roads. Formerly he dismissed all the western exits from London as beneath contempt ; now he writes of the Great North Road as " devastating." I imagine him with lofty brow protruding on each side of his car rushing from Cathedral to Cathedral, thanking God that he is not like me. I (and some others) love the Road, and find something to like in the drab places (if there are any) of all our highways.
What would he call Gower Street ? I dare not suggest " supercilious."—Your obedient servant, .
Burnham, Bucks. H. McK.
[Janus writes : I should make no high claims for Gower Street. It is just a well-intentioned thoroughfare (like another well-known road).]