with others less familiar or of quite recent date, but
tells them in a
more systematic way than is commonly followed in compiling colleo- tints of such narratives. In the first place, we have a chart exhibit.
ing the localities of wrecks (which might have been more effectively marked in colours). Then the stories are arranged according to their kind. In the first part are shipwrecks, whether caused by fire, by foundering, by collisions, or by running on shore. The ' Amazon,' the ' Kent' (the " Major Macgregor of the Slat " is, we believe, the present General Macgregor), the 'Earl of Eldon,' are among the instances recorded. Among collisions, we bear of the Captain,' the Eurydice,' and others. In the fourth chapter comes with others the immortal story of the Birkenhead,' never to be forgotten
in any story of suffering and heroism. The second part of the volume is given to boat voyages, life on reefs and sandbanks, and generally narratives which, to use the words of the preface, have "something of the Crusoe character." This ie, we need hardly say, a very readable volume.