The Art of Thriving. By John J. Wallies, M.A. (Jerrold
and Sons.)—We are glad to see a second edition of this most useful and wholesome little book, and we trust that its approved popularity may encourage the publishers to bring out another issue at a price that will place it within reach of every town workman and rural labourer in the land. True, the author has a way of lugging in texts of Scrip- ture by the head and shoulders which we cannot commend ; but he is transparently sincere, ancl gives sound advice in forcible and
Latimer-like English. His book is also full of useful information on household economy, gardening, cooking, health, and the up-bringing of children, which would alone make it worth buying and keeping. It is in no sense a political work, and was certainly not written with a view to the present crisis ; but the following definition of the duty of a good citizen may be quoted with advantage and read with profit :— " He will first of all consider his vote, not as a personal right or privilege which he may use for the benefit of himself or his family, but as a trust,—a trust of the very greatest obligation and re- sponsibility. He will bear in mind that he is not only an elector of representatives, but himself also the representative of all the non- electors—of the many millions in our country at home, and of countless millions under our rule abroad. The franchise is entrusted to him on behalf of all these non-electors; and he is bound, before God and man, to use it to the best of his ability, solely for the general good."-