[TO TER EDITOR OF TER "Srzerwroa.1 Sin,—Is it not time
that the Censor transferred some of the energy he is at present expending in suppressing news to the task of preventing items like the following being circulated in
provincial towns, whose Press is notoriously guilty of printing optimistic views as to the position of the Allies and the duration of the war ?—
Some friends of mine have a relative who is a staff captain at Sir John French's headquarters in France (writes a Daily Citizen correspondent). He paid them a surprise visit of exactly ten minutes' duration yesterday morning while on his way to catch the boat-train for Folkestone, en route for the front once more. Though his stay was short he fluttered the household by whisper- ing an item of exclusive news. It'll bo all over, bar the shouting, by February,' he said. 'The Allies have the position completely In hand.."'—Liverpool Echo, December 8th.
This in the face of the last recorded utterance of Lord