12 DECEMBER 1914, Page 15


[TO TEN EDITOR 07 TEl "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—May I invite attention to a point that may have escaped other readers P It may, of course, be no more than a coinci- dence, but still—. In your issue of November 14th appeared a letter signed "F. H. 0.-D." describing the efficacy of iodine treatment for wounds. About November 27th in the House of Commons, Mr. Tennant, answering a question, said that this first dressing should be given a trial ; and in the Times of the 4th inst. we read that, through the generosity of two anonymous donors, it has been possible to supply every man at the front with a tube of iodine. It appears to me that the thanks of the Army are chiefly due to the Spectator and its correspondent "F. H. C.-D."—I am, Sir, &c.,