[A prize of a Book Token for one guinea will be given to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be marked with the words "Crossword Puzzle" and the NUMBER of the PUZZLE, and should be received not later than first post on Tuesday week. No envelopes will be .pened before noon on Tuesday. Solutions should be on the form appearing below. The name of the winner and the solution will be published in the follow- ing issue. Envelopes containing solutions must bear a zid. stamp, otherwise they are surcharged on delivery. Solutions from the U.S.A. cannot be accepted.]
1. The racecourse seems all right
on the talkies (2 words) (5, 5). 6. Not striking is a sore point with the workman (4).
to. " In - of dreams a god, A slave in dearth of power " (Watson) (9).
11. Foreign friend (5).
12. " A maid whom there was none to - And very few to love " (Wordsworth) (6).
53. Stuck, so straighten it out (7). 15. Whose name is contracted here? Charles's is (7).
17. This makes the meat ration go round (7). 18. " 0 that the slave had forty thousand lives! One is too poor, too weak for my -" (Shakespeare) (7). 25. Marshal in confused fashion but rich (7). 23. A break in the hill, how sweet! (7). 24. Urban carriage from abroad (6). 27. " Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades or
loose the bands of ? f t (Book of Job) (5).
28. Lord Rosebery was con- cerned with Napoleon's (2 words) (4, 5). 29. Not only is the manuscript returned but so also are we, getting the bird (4). 3o. Peter's nine and in the water (so). DOWN
I. " What, no -? " (4).
2. Not enough for supper (5).
3. " Myriads of - have shone forth in flower Near the lark's nest " (Wordsworth) (7).
4. This agency is concerned with all the points of the compass (7).
5. Dickens's John and Edward (7).
7. Where the shoe pinches often leads to this (9).
8. Pope referred to one of these as " ignorantly read With loads of learned lumber in his head " (to).
9. Is this what makes molasses so sweet? (6).
14. Very shabby cautions (to). 16. Starve and die in this (9). 19. Land between the lines (6). 2o. " Ever to her young upturns her violet eye " (Poe) (7).
21. Not a caveman by any means or his diet (7).
22. What a number have to do who didn't take a stitch in time (7).
25. An, instrument; it rises to morning either way (5).
26. Measure the ration? (4).