12 FEBRUARY 1831, Page 17

The Edinburgh Review has appeared with even more than its

accustomed quantity of state papers. We Wonder whether the country could go on without the Edinburgh and Quarterly Re- views. Have they not become part and parcel of the Constitu- tion? are they not an offset of our virtual representation ? It seems as necessary that his Majesty's Opposition should have a review, as his Majesty's Ministry. There are some articles in the present number which almost reconcile us to the nearly total omission of literature in a quarterly journal. We would more particularly refer to the convincing paper on the China question. Mr. SADLER'S Refutation is re- futed ; with what succesg, we are scarcely willing to .say in this department. There is little good feeling between the dis- putants; and the desire of saying a sharp thing, in both, seems very much to predominate over the desire to discover the truth. We believe that the matter will be settled by some other person, not so far under the influence of passion as either of the writers in question.