The Journal of the Royal Institution, this quarter, contains more
than an average share of curious disquisitions. Among others, is a curious paper communicated by Dr. Mom. on the in- vention of the telescope. It contains some curious anecdotes of the reception the first Dutch inventor met with from the States, to whom he had communicated his discovery. The States were pleased with the invention, but were not satisfied un- til they could be assured that they could look through the new instrument with two eyes; and they deputed a committee to ascer- tain whether this was the case or not : whereupon LIPPERSHEY, the spectacle-maker of Middleburg, the inventor in question, made a binocular, with considerable ingenuity, in order to gratify their High Mightinesses. A member from each province was appointed to ascend the turret of Prince Maurice, to examine and try the in- strument, just as the senators of' Venice mounted St. Mark's to look through Galileo's.