Hours of Adjournment—The House of Commons sat on Monday, and
adjourned at ten o'clock to Tuesday. It sat again on Tuesday, adjourned a quarter before four on Wednesday morning; sat in the evening, and adjourned at a quarter before seven. On Thursday it sat till a quarter to twelve; and on Friday till a quarter past twelve. FUTURE BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE.
Tax ARMY.—In the Committee on the Mutiny Bill, to propose a clause to prevent dogging in the army. Sir Francis Burdett. CHINA TaAns.—Resolutions respecting the China Trade. Mr. Wolrythe Whit more—Deferred from February 22 to April 21. TITS Cnuactr.—Bill to prohibit plurality of benefices, and benelices held its counnendana with bishoprics. Sir John Newport—Deferred from February 10 to March 7. COTTON FACTORIES.—Bill to repeal the laws relating to apprentices in cotton and other factories, and in cotton and other mills, and to make other provisions in lieu thereof. Mr. Hobbouse—February 15. ELECTION PETITION.—PCIWOO from certain electors of the borough of Stam- ford, complaining of the interference of the Marquis of Exeter at the last election for that borough. Mr. Tennyson—February 22. IRELAND.—First Fruits Fund—State of the First Fruits Fund. Sir John New- port—Deferred from February 8 to March 7. Lana UJUNG CLASSES—Select committee, to consider the necessity of securing open spaces in the immediate vicinity of large and populous towns, fitted to pre- serve health, and afford the means of exercise to the labouring classes. Mr. Marley —February 24. PARLIAMENTARY REFORM.—That it is expedient that at all elections for mem- bers to serve in Parliament the votes be taken by ballot. Mr. Warburton.—Defer- red from February 15 to March I. PENSION LIST.—Select committee, to Whom shall be referred the account of all pensions payable out of the Civil List, with a view to the continuance of such pensions only as shall be granted for services performed, or for which satisfactory special grounds shall be stated. Mr. Guest—March 8. To move, on consideration of the report of the Select Committee on the Civil List, that no pensions be hereafter charged on the Civil List, but that, in lien thereof, a certain yearly sum be added to his Majesty's Privy Purse, in order that his Majesty may be enabled thereoat, from time to time, to extend his Royal bounty to such individuals as he shall be graciously pleased to select, without any interference or control—Mr. Phillpots. Pooa-LAws:—Bill to alter the Law of Settlement as far as respects apprentice- ship to the sea service. Mr. Sykes—March 16. ROMAN CATHOLICS.—Bill relating to the charge of double land-tax affecting Roman Catholics. Mr. Blount—February 25. TAXATION.—Cottons—To repeal the duty on printed cotton. Mr. Wilson Patten —Deferred from February 22 to March 17- Malt-Duty.—Bill to repeal the duty on malt. Mr. Cartels—March 17. Soap and Candles.—Repeal of the duty. Mr. Sykes—March 24. COLONIZATION.—Bill for the purpose of facilitating settlements in his Majesty's foreign possessions. Lord Howick—February 22. ELECTION PETIT/ON.—Gonsideration of the report from the select committee on the Carrickfergus forgeries. Sir Robert Inglis—Feb. 22. ExPRNDITURE.—To refer papers and accounts relating to Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle, to a select committee. Lord Althorp—Deferred to Feb. 15. GAME-LAWS.—Bill to amend the Game-Laws. Lord Althorp—Feb. 15. - LAW AMENDMENTS.—Bill to amend the law respecting inheritance and descent, and to allow parents to succeed as heirs to their children, and collateral relations to succeed as heirs to each other, though of the half blood ; Mr. John Campbell— February 24. Bill to amend the law respecting dower and courtesy; Mr. John Campbell—February 24. Bill to abolish fines and recoveries, and to substitute other assurances in lieu thereof; Mr. John Campbell—February 24. Bill to amend the law regarding prescription and limitation of actions respecting real property; Mr. John Campbell—February 24.
PETITIONS PRESENTED DURING THE WEER. ADMINISTRATION OF Jo s Ti cE.—For the more speedy recovery of small debt.‘ Tradesmen of Cullompton. • ANATOMY.—For the removal of impediments to the cultivation of the science of anatomy. Members of the Worcestershire Medical and Surgical Society. Tug Cnuacri.—Praying for an address to his Majesty to convoke a national synod of an equal number of clergymen and laymen, for improving the state of the church. Rev. Thomas Spencer, M.A. Comv-LAws.—For au alteration in the. Inhabitant householders of St. James, Clerken well. CRIMINAL-LAWS.—For an alteration thereof, by mitigating the punishment of death. Clergy and inhabitants of Great Creaton ; gentlemen, bankers, merchants, and inhabitants of Stockton ; bankers and inhabitants of Tavistock. CURRENCY.—For an alteration in the. Owners of land and occupiers residing in Bilsington. sx RES s.—Complaining of. Owners and occupiers of land in Burn:ash ; of Sale- hurst and Etchingham ; magistrates, ministers, churchwardens, and inhabitants of Igtham; labouring pc or of East Harting. EPPING Fonasr.—For the grant of part of the waste land in Epping Forest, belonging to the Crown, for the purposes of cultivation. FAST-DAY.—For an address to his Majesty, that a day be set apart for public humiliation, fasting, and prayer. Minister and members of the congregation of Fitzroy Episcopal Chapel, London Street, Fitzroy Square; clergy and others, in- habitants of Richmond-upon-Thames; minister and inhabitants of Falkingham ; inhabitants of Cheltenham • of White Roothing ; of Derby; of Littlebury; of clergy of the deanery of BorOughbridge ; minister, elders, and inhabitants of TUB- coultry; inhabitants of West Barn; of Antrim; of Honley ; minister, churchwar- den% and inhabitants of Hindon ; inhabitants of Walton ; Stapleford ; Pyworthy ; and Budgrule ; Chatham ; Snodland ; Charmouth ; Independents of Salem Chapel, Bishopsgate ; minister and inhabitants of Dorking ; minister and members of St. John's Chapel, Bedford ROW; minister, elders, and congregation of Greenock; In- habitants of Bandon ; united parishes of Bredy ; minister and congregation of Long Acre Episcopal Chapel; clergy and inhabitants of Southampton. FRIENDLY SOCIETIE8.—For the amendment of the act 10 Geo. IV. c. 56, relating to. Temperate Friendly Society, Sandbach ; Friendly Society assembling at Zion Chapel, New Hall Street, Birmingham. GANE-LAws.—Against persons imprisoned for offences under the game-laws being prosecuted, and supported, in prison, out of the poor-rates. Merchants, manufacturers, and householders of Wolverhampton. GREBNWICR HOSPITAL.—Against contribution of 6d. per month to Greenwich Hospital. Shipmasters, mates, and seamen of the British Merchant service at the Port of Kingston-upon-Hull. IRELAND.—Education—Against any further grant to the Kildare Street Society. Roman Catholic clergy and laity of Tramore ; Roman Catholic inhabitants of Inistroge and Roer; of Thomas-Town and other places; of Rathkyran, Aglish, and other places; and of Shiverue and Glenmore. Carrickfergus Borough Ekction.—Complaining of the forgery of several names to a petition of William Henderson and others against the return of Lord Augusta Hill. Elective Franchise.—Fos placing the Boman Catholic merchants aud trading classes of Galway upon an equal footing with Protestants. Inhabitants of Boher- snore ; Protestant parishioners or Kilcummin ; Inhabitants of Ballindooley ; pa-
riahioners of. Moycullen ; mercantile and trading classes of Galway, professing the, Roman Catholic religion ; freemen and freeholdna of Rahoon ; Protestant parish- ioners of Splddal; of Carrabrown ; landowners, clergy, and others of the county of Galway ; parishioners of the Vicarage of Clare and of Ballindooley.
Parish Vestries Act.-For the repeal. Roman Catholic inhabitants of White- church ; inhabitants of the parish of Navan.
Tithes.-Against the compulsory payment of tithes in Ireland. H. Hetherington, chairman of a meeting Led at the Rotunda, Illackfriars Road. Bill to exempt the occupiers of land in Ireland, not exceeding two acres, from the payment of tithe of notatoes.
Union.-For the repeal. Manufacturers and tradesmen of Clonmell ; hatters of Cork ; inhabitants of the united narishe; of Grane, Urlingford, and Clomanto ; parishioners of the united parishes of Corogreen and Moncoln.
LAB 0 LT RERS' WA G Es.-Against the practice of paying labourers' wages by goods; Thhabitants of Haslingden ; of William Birt, of Park End, in the Forest of Dean . manufacturers. tradesmen, and others, of Ashton-under-Lyne ; manufacturers,
traders, mechanics, and others, of Leicester; (anus and householders of Balfron. Thomas Worsley.
LABOURING Po on.-For the allotment of small portions of land to the indus- trious labouring poor ; Matthew Phillips. For the more full employment of the labouring poor ; farmers and trades of Warden.
nr enItOPO s Vora Ce ACT.-For the repeal thereof Inhabitants of Southwark ; nain'Ver, churchwarden, overseers, and inhabitants of Paddington.
Miarria.-Against exemption of special constables front serving in the Militia. Inhabitants of Shrewsbury.
PAR.LIAMENTARY REFORM.-Minister, churchwardens, and inhabitants of Harold ; owners und occupiers of land in TO St. Giles, of Mayfield ; inhabitants
of Folkestone ; of Felton ; Bishop Auckland ; merchants. manufacturers, and others, of South Shields ; of John Walter, high sheriff of Berkshire ; friends of reform of the City of Bath; inhabitant householders, burgesses, and freemen of Bedford ; in- habitants of Stockport ; Stapleford ; Netherbury (Dorset) ; •Royton ; Haslingnen ; Launceston ; Beaminster ; Sherborne ; owners and occupiers of land, and inhabi- tants of Lewanick ; of -Northill; of Sr. Thomas the Apostle (Cornwall); of South Petherwin ; rated inhabitants of Southill ; of Linkenhorne; gentlemen, yeomen, tradesmen, and inhabitants of Salisbury ; freeholders, householders, freemen, and Inhabitants of Gloucester; gentlemen, yeomen, tradesmen, and inhabitants of Swindon ; aldermen, capital burgesses, and other inhabitants of Bodmin ; inhabi- tant burgesses of Truro ; freeholders of the county of Durham ; clergy, bankers, _merchants, tradesmen, and inhabitants of Kingston-upon-Hull 3 Kidderminster Political Union ; portreeve, bailiff, freeholders, and inhabitants of Ashburton ; Inhabitants of Manchester ; Thetford ; Southwark ; Gosport, Colemere ; East 'listed ; West Tisted ; and Priors Dean ; bailiffs, magistrates, and others of the city and county of Litchfield ; gentlemen, yeomen, tradesmen, and inhabitants of the county of Wilts ; inhabitants of Banbury ; Malmesbury ; Eastwood; Hereford, Bridport ; corporation of Waterford. Bridport Borough.-Complaining of corrupt practices in the elections for that borough. E. G. Flight.
, Totness Bonn/O.-Complaining of the right of election exercised there. Inhabi- tants of Totness.
Election by Ballot.-In favour of. Freeholders, boroughholders, and others, of Gateshead and Gateshead Fell; inhabitants of Basford ; householders, burgesses, and inhabitants of Hawick ; inhabitants of Aberdare ; of Merthyr Tydfil ; inhabi- tants of Duffield Holbrook ; Stockport ; Bullock's Smithy • Chipping Sodbury ; Burton Bradstock ; Belper ; owners and occupiers of land, and inhabitants of Teyant ; merchants, manufacturers, and inhabitants of Stanstield ; freeliolders and inhabitants of Keswick ; Little Shelford ; resident householders and ratepayers of Carlisle ; inhabitants of Wigan ; Oldham ; Butterworth ; Froxfield ; Summer Vale, in the township of Crumsall; united parishes of Ratlaigh and Skreen ; Privett ; Liss ; and Gretham.
Eleetion Committees.-For the repeal of the Acts which enact that the determine. tion of a select committee, touching the right of election, shall he conclusive and final as to the right of voting in any borough. Inhabitant householders and bur- gesses of Andover. PATENTS FOR FaucTirco.-Against, and for the appointment of a Committee to inquire into the propriety of renewing such patents. John Childs, of Bungay, printer.
Pooa-LAWS.-For an alteration of the law relating to a settlement by hiring. Proprietors and occupiers of land, tradesmen, and others, of Sittingbourne. REGISTER or Ds sns Man.-Against. Freeholders, and others interested in real estate of Minnie. Owners of property in Stockton.
SCOTLAND.-.R0r1/ Burghs. For an alteration of the system of parliamentary and burgh elections. Magistrates, councillors, and inhabitants of the burgh of St. Illonance ; convener, deacons, and members of the three united trades of Dundee ; burgesses and inhabitants of Dundee ; inhabitant* of the county and royal burgh of Selkirk ; Thomas Bruce, deacon of the baker incorporation of Perth ; James Craig- dalbe, deacon of the tailor incorporation of Perth ; magistrates, councillors, bur- gesses, and inhabitants of the Royal Burgh of Whithorn ; heritors of East Kilpatrick; burgesses, proprietors, and inhabitants of the royal burgh of Ayr ; magistrates and town council, the incorporated trades, feuars, and inhabitants of the royal burgh of Irvine ; inhabitants of Kilwinning ; of Galston (Ayrsbire) ; stocking-makers or frame-work knitters within the royal burgh of Selkirk a baron baillie, councillors, burgesses, and inhabitants of the burgh of barony of Blairgnwrie; commissioners for providing for the municipal government of the town and suburbs of Leith; ma- gistrates and town council of the royal burgh of Stirling; of Greenock; provost, baillies, and council of the burgh of Paisley ; inhabitants of Greenock.
Forfar Burghs Election.-Complaining of the election. Honourable W. Ogilvie- ordered to be brought up and taken into consideration on the 22nd March.
SLAVER v.-For the abolition. Inhabitants of Whitchurch ; Dowlais ; Bunting- ford ; Wilsden ; Hackness cum Harwood Dale and Scalby ; Roxton ; Charlton ; Ilsington and Bickington ; East Allington ; Kingsbridge; Loddiswell ; Ugborough and Callompton ; Thornbury ; Unitarians of Honiton ; White Roothing ; Little Cornard ; East Belford; royal borough of barony of Portsoy ; Sunderland and Bishopwearmouth ; Norton ; Baptists of Scarborough ; Shipley ; Little Staughton ; Clanfield ; Montainte ; South Street Chapel, Yeovil; Modbury; Newport Street, Tiverton ; Independents of Chundeigh ; of Out Hall Chapel, Wivelsfield ; minister and congregation of the United Session House, Coldstream ; session of Presbyte- rians of the Scotch Church, North Shields ; united associate congregation of North Sunderland ; fishermen and others of Start Bay; minister and elders com- posing the associate burgh presbytery of Glasgow, met in Presbytery; gentry, free- holders, and others of Barris O'Kane; minister and congregation assembling in Artillery Street, Bishopsgate; Protestant Dissenters of Coseley ; inhabitants of Basingstoke; Denbigh; Sturminster ; Cranhorne ; Beaminster ; Churchstow ; Sherford ; South Pool; Tharlestone ; Stokeicgham ; Unitarians of Battle and Northcam ; Dissenters of Kidderminster, Blandford Forum ; ministers, church- wardens, and inhabitants of Cotgrave and other places ; Methodists of Barnsley; Hardsley; Mapplewell ; Low Swithin ; Birdwell; Sempsford Chapel, Bedford;
Independents of York Street Chapel, Dublin ; Methodists of Ashton-nnder-Lyne; of Altomeham; Baptists of Gravesend ; rector, landholders, and inhabitants of Al. bury ; inhabitant. of-Faringdon • Aberford ; Askham Bryan ; Abury and villages adjacent ; Alton Pancras; united parishes of Bishop Sutton and Ropley ; of Ryde ; rector, churchwardens, and others, of Brixton, in the Isle of Wight ; Wesleyans of Bawniey Chapel, Kilkenny; Tempiemore Chapel, Atherstone ; Tipperary; Welsh Calvinistic Methodists of Water Street Chapel, Carmarthen ; of Lougharne ; LIa- awliy; Mydrim ; Naulearedig; Ithyclargaen ; Rendre ; Llandyfeylog; Kidwelly ; Newcastle ; Conwell; Breckfa, New Inn : Llanarthney ; Llanderag; Bettws ; in- habitants of Sudbury ; Newtown Barry; Milton ; ArIsley; Independents of Hal- anerend ; King-sland Chapel; Prostestant Dissenters of Abbotts Roothing. TAXATION or Cos.-For taxation of bills of solicitors employed at the Houses of Parliament. Inhabitants of London and Westminster.
TAXATIore.-Assessed Taxes-For the repeal. Parishioners of Bedminster ; in- habitants and occupiers of property in Newcastle-upon-Tyne; inhabitant house- holders of Mile End Old Town ; inhabitants of St. George, Gloucester ; of Stroud; and of Shepley; inhabitants of the city of York ; Easington ; ward of Bassishaw ; and of Bolton by Bolland , inhabitant householders of St. Giles Without, Cripple.
Barilla Duties.-For the continuance of them ; landed proprietors and others in tbe'District of Goromna, and the islands within Greatman's Bay on the West coast of Ireland; manufacturers of kelp. Calicoes and Cotton Goods.-For the repeal of the Excise-duty thereon. George William Wood, President of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce and Manufac- ture; engravers and designers to the calico-printers of Manchester ; opera-
tive calico-printers, block-cutters, and others employed in the printing of cotton cloths in Pendlebury ; of Church Blackburn ; of Sunnyside, near Burnby ; of Ramnbottom; of Broughton ; of Manchester; merchants, manufacturers, and others, of Wigan ; operative calico.printers, block-cutters, and others employed in the printing of cotton cloth at Shepley, near Ashton-under-Lyne ; at Oakenshaw and Blackburn ; at Elton, near Bury ; at Tottington Mill, near Bury ; of Stockport; of Bankbridge. near Manchester ; merchants, manufacturers, and others, of Mid- dleton ; and of Stockport ; merchants, manufacturers, and others, at New Mills, Derby ; operative calico-printers, block-makers, and others, in the works of Messrs. Lloyd and Price, near Disley, Chester; and of Messrs. Potter of Glossop ; mer- chants, manufacturers, and others, at Stayley Bridge ; of Glossop ; calico- printers and others of Chancy ; and the Adelphi, Salford.
Coal-Duties.-For the repeal. Inhabitants of Honiton ; of Folkestone ; of Scalby Cloughton, Stainton Dale, and other places in the east division of Pickering Lythe ; of the Ward of Coleman Street, London ; alderman, deputies, common-council, and inhabitants of the Ward of Farringdon Within, London ; merchants and inhabitants of Beetles ; of liungay ; inhabitants of Bodruin ; of Penzance ; mayor, jurats, and inhabitants of Hythe ; coaltitters of Sunderland ; corporation of Bedford ; gentle- men, merchants, shipowners, and inhabitants of Stockton-upon-Tees; gentry, clergy, and inhabitants of Credlton ; inhabitants of Ilsington and Buckington ; of Illandihrd ; of Teigninouth ; mayor, magistrates, merchant shipowners, and in- habitants of Great Yarmouth; portreeve, aldermen freemen, and inhabitants of Longhor ; inhabitants of the ward of Bridge, Loudon ; of New Romney ; ship- owners, fishcorere,, and others, of Mevagissey ; inhabitants of Portsmouth ; Abe- rystwith ; Cardiff ; Saltash ; Briciport ; Beaminster ; Charmouth ; Netherbury; /3 roadwi ndsor ; Symondsbury ; Burton Bradstock ; Loder; Chicliock ; l3radpole ; Powerstock ; Bothenhampton ; Alford and Spilsby ; Allington ; Ward of Bassi- shaw, London ; clergy, merchants, manufacturers' and inhabitants of Norwich; proprietors, workers of coal-mines, and others, of Durham ' • shipowners of New- castle-upon-Tyne ; inhabitant householders of the Ward of Crippiegate Without, London ; shipowners, merchants, and inhabitants of Gainsborough; Corporation of Waterford ; merchants and dealers in coals, in Bedfordshire, trading from Lyon by the river Ouse. House and Window Duties.-For the repeal. Inhabitants of Bridgewater • of the Ward of Coleman Street, London ; inhabitant householders of Shepton Mallet Malt-Duty.-For the repeal. Owners and occupiers of land In the rape of Chi- chester; labourers in husbandry In the rape of Chichester ; inhabitants of the county of Lincoln ; inhabitants of Northleach ; inhabitants of East Mailing ; of Marden ; occupiers of land and inhabitants of Brenchley ; inhabitants of Rendham. Newspapers.-For the repeal of the Stamp-duty, anti of the act 60 Geo. III: c. 9, wbich prohibits the publication of cheap periodical pamphlets of a political nature. William Carpenter, of the City of Loudon, priuter and publisher ; compositors of Carlisle.
Taxed Carts.-Complai Mug of tbe duty thereon. Farmers, butchers, bakers, and tradesmen of Alconbury, Brampton, and other places ; and of Huntingdon.
Trrues.-Praying the House to consider the propriety of Government resuming its interest in the tittles, and in disposing of the same to the owners of the land., Proprietors and occupiers of land residing in the Hundred of Hurslingstone (Hunt- ingdon) ; owners and occupiers of land, and inhabitants of Fate ; of Old Sodbury a owners and occupiers of land in Horton ; freeholders, yeomen, and inhabitants oe Aldermanbury ; inhabitants of Great Shelford ; proprietors and occupiers of land and inhabitants of Benham; tithepayers of Knockbreda (Down) ; tithepayers of Norwood; owners and occupiers of land tn Georgeharn ; in Parkham ; inhabitant householders of St. Giles Without, Crippleente ; farmers and graziers visiting the annual Christmas cattle.show, Goswell Street, London ; tithepayers of Tatenhill ; portreeve, bailiff, and inhabitants of Ashburton.
Commutation.-In favour of a commutation of tithes. Farmers, occupiers of land, and inhabitants of Thoresby Bridge.
Vnsvatits.-For the better regulation thereof. Inhabitant householders of Si, Giles Without, Cripplegate. WEST INDIA PKOPERTT.-Praying, that should the House think fit to grant ne- gro emancipation, they may be compensated for the loss which they and. their families may thereby sustain. Proprietors of West India estates, residing in the county of Berks. Mearnens WTI° DAVIS OBTAINED LEAVE OF ABSENCE.
Berne, Mr a month . February 10.
Bradshaw, Mr a fortnight . February 10. Cornewall, Mr three weeks February 8
Estcourt, Mr a fortnight February 8.
Mackenzie, Sir James
. .
three weeks February 8.
Penruddock, Mr three weeks February 7.
Phipps, General three weeks February 9. Price, Mr. Richard three weeks February
Tunno, Mr three weeks February 9.
Vaughan, Sir Robert
a month February a.
NEW WRITS Moran Pon.
Mills, William Robert Bletchingley Chiltern Hundreds. Willoughby, Henry Newark Chiltern Hundreds.
Wortley, Hon. C. Stewart Boesws ianreky Chiltern Hundreds.
Building Act Amendment Bill-Read a second time, and committed for Feb. 17. Canada Acts-Committee deferred till Monday next.
Canine Madness Bill-Read a first time; to be read a second time on Monday. Colonial Trade Bill-Second reading deferred till February 17.
Labouring Poor Bill-Second reading deferred till February 18. Liability of Landlords Bill-Second reading deferred till February 18. London Bridge Approaches Bill-Read a second time on Monday, and committed. Money Payment of Wages Bill-Read second time on Friday, and committed for Monday. Oath before Lord Steward Bill-Bill recommitted for Monday next. Postmaster-General Bill-Read a third time on Thursday, and passed. Settlement of the Poor Bill-To be read a third time on Wednesday next. Roman Catholic Charities Bill-Second reading deferred till Tuesday next.. Tailzie's Regulation (Scotland) Bill-Second reading deferred till February 18. Tailzie's Relief Bill and Tallzie's Ameadment Bill-Second reading also deferred
till T Fu re nbpr kaer yRio8a.ds (Scotland) Bill-Second reading deferred till Wednesday next. Vestries Bill-Read a first time; to be read a second time on Monday.
MONDAY. Orders of the Day-1. Vestries Bill-Second Reading, 2. Canine Madness Bill-Second Reading. 3. Highways Bill-Second Reading. 4. Supply- Report. b. Supply-Committee. 6. Money Payment of Wages Bill-Committee. 7. Oaths before Lord Steward Bill-Committee. 8. Canada Acts-Committee thereupon. 9. Ways and Means-Committee. 10. Creditors (Scotland) Bill- Second Reading. .A'otices of Motions-1. Mr. Robert Gordon-Bill to consolidate, continue, and tmend the Acts 9 Geo. IV. c. 41, and, 9 Geo. IV. c. 18, relative to the care of Insane Persons in England. 2. Lord Viscount Althorp-Bill for prevention of Smuggling of Whisky and Malt in Ireland. S. Mr. Perceval-Address to his Majesty to appoint a day for a General Fast throughout the United Kingdom.
4. Lord Viscount Ebrington-Petition from the county of Devon on the subject of Reform. 5. O'Gorman Mahon-Copy of Address moved by Lord Corry, in the Irish House of Parliament, in the month of June 1800-also, the names of •those Peers who signed and entered any Protests against the measure of the Legislative Union of Great Britain and Ireland-also, a Copy of the Amendment moved by Mr. Grey on the Motion of Mr. Pitt, relative to the Union Resolutions, in the Commons House of Parliament.
TUESDAY. Notices of Notions-1. Mr. Alderman Waithman-Resolutions re- lating to the Trade and Manufactures of the Country. 2. Mr. Hobhouse-Bill to repeal the Laws relating to Apprentices in Cotton and other Factories, and in Cotton and other Mills, and to make further provisions in lieu thereof. 3. Lord Viscount Althorp-To refer Papers and Accounts relating to Windsor Castle and Buckingham Palace to a Select Committee. 4. Lord Viscount Althorp-Game-Laws. 5. Mr. Dominick Browne-Petition from the Western part of Ireland, relating to the want of food in that district. 6. Mr. Trench-Bill to amend the Irish Election Acts. Orders of the Day-1. Wigan Election Petitions-Ballot for Committee at three.
2. Wexford Election Petition-Ballot for Committee: at ten minutes after three.
3. Game BiU-Committee. 4. Arbitration Bill-Second Reading. 5. Roman Ca- tholic Charities Bill-Second Reading. • WEDNESDAY. Orders of the Day-I. Heritable Infeftments (Scotland) Bill-
Second reading. 2. Turnpike Roads (Scotland) Bill—Second reading. 3. Settle - ment of the Poor Bill—Third reading.
THURSDAY. Notices of Motion.—l. Sir Henry Parnell—Resolutions on the Public Accounts. 2. Mr. Evans—Bill to prevent the application of Corporate Funds to the purposes of Election of Members to serve in Parliament. 3. Mr. Robert Grant—Removal of Civil Disabilities from the Jews, unless previously effected by the Oaths in Parliament Bill now pending. 4. Marquis of Chandos—Resolution. That the corrupt state of the Borough of Evesham demands the attention of this House. .5. Mr. Dominick Browne—Bill to empower Catholic Bishops in Ireland to accept Conveyances, in fee simple or by lease, to them and their successors, of lands not exceeding a certain number of acres in each parish, for the building of Catholic Churches thereon, for Mensal purposes only. Orders of the Day-1. Carlow Elec- tion Petition—Ballot for Committee at three. 2. Truro Election Petitions—Ballot for Committee at five minutes after three. 3. Winchilsea Election Petition—Ballot for Committee at ten minutes after three. 4. hand-Taa Commissioners' Names Bill —Committee. 5. Evesham Election Committee—Spe:dal Report to be considered. 6. Building Act Amendment Bill—Commiqee. FRIDAY. Orders of the Doe-1. House to be called over. 2. Tallzies Regula- tion (Scotland) Bill—Second Reading. 3. Tailzies Relief (Scotland) Bill—Second reading. 4. 'Failzies Amendment (Scotland) Bill—Second reading. 5. Labouring Poor Bill—Second reading. 6. Liability of Landlords Bill—Second reading. 7. Colonial Trade Bill—Second reading. Notice of Motion—Mr. Williams Wynn- -Army Estimates. (In Committee of Supply.)