Dr. Prince Lee was installed as Bishop of Manchester yesterday,
in the cathe- dral church of that see; a large concourse witnessing the ceremony.
At a conference of the Roman Catholic clergy of the Dublin diocese, on Tues- day last, Dr. Murray introduced the subject of the Papal rescript: he vouched for the accuracy of the translation in the Dublin Evening Post, more especially of the phrase given for the word " diffamationibus," which had been questioned by Dr. MILtle. Dr. Murray "expected that this injunction from the Holy Father would be strictly attended to."
Last night's Gazette contains a Treasury warrant under which, on and after the 21st instant, the Post-office, with certain restrictions, will carry printed books at a reduced rate-6d. a pound. This is a highly important addition to the means of diffusing information: many country places possess no regular means of carriage except the Post-office; while that department is extending its rural distribution so rapidly, that last year no fewer than 1,300 villages were for the first time brought within the range of the Post-office carriers.
Manchester was startled yesterday morning by a violent explosion. The steam- engine in the works of Mr. Thomas Riley, spindle-maker, in Medlock Street, Ard- wick, burst. Fifteen persons were at work: seven were killed, the rest dreadfully injured.