Naples, following the example of Sicily, has won an easier
con- quest over the Royal obduracy, and the Absolutist King is the idol of the day ; walking about the streets as our King William the Fourth did after his succession, or King Louis Philippe after his election. Naples is more easily satisfied than Sicily ; accept- ing the constitution vouchsafed by the trembling Monarch ; whereas Sicily stands out for her own constitution of 1812. The anxious question now is, whether King Ferdinand is sincere. He has dismissed if not banished the odious Minister of Police, del Carretto; but suspicious folks surmise that the ex-Minister has really gone as a confidential messenger to Austria, to beg as- sistance.
Russia and Austria are understood to be preparing in concert for the coercion of Italy. On the other, hand, the King of Sar- dinia is said to have invited Poles to join his army. In that case, he has defied Absolutism it Foutrance, and thrown away the scab- bard of his sword.