12 FEBRUARY 1848, Page 2

Some wholesome influences are growing up in Ireland. The condemnation

of a man for harbouring a criminal has had a visible effect in checking that evil practice. A rescript from the Congregatio de Propaganda Fide at Rome, calls the Irish priests to explain their conduct in respect of the alleged incentives to murder, and admonishes them that they are ministers of peace, who ought wholly to abstain from secular affairs. The Pope has required the Irish Prelates to do what Lord Shrewsbury sug- gested as a spontaneous act. That the rescript has caused con- sternation among the priesthood, is shown by the published letter of Dr. O'Higgins, seeking to soften the effect of the admonition in the eyes of the laity, and suggesting, through the Roman Ca- tholic Primate of Ireland, how the Prelates should respond. If they follow the suggestion, they will strive to throw dust in the eyes of the Sovereign Pontiff; but we suspect it is too late to at- tempt that.