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Tux Quash held a Privy Couneil on Monday, at Windsor Castle ; and pricked the list of High Sheriffs for the English and Welsh counties. The Duke of Wellington, Lord Drumlanrig, and Mr. Charles Pelham Villiers, were sworn in Members of the Privy Council.
At the Court held on the same day, General Mendibrun, Peruvian Minister, had an audience of the Queen. Her Majesty also gave au- dience to Lord John Russell, Earl Granville, Lord Aberdeen, and Mr. Villiers.
The Queen has been personally active this week. On Saturday she walked out, and afterwards visited Mr. Labouchere at Strike Park. In the evening her Majesty dined at Frogmore with the Duchess-of Kent. On Tuesday and Wednesday the Queen and Prince Albert drove out in as open carriage. Thursday was the anniversary of the Queen's wed- ding : the band of the Grenadier Guards played select pieces of music on the East terrace at seven o'clock in the morning.
Among the guests at the Castle, are the Duke and Duchess of Welling- ton, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Hardinge, Sir James Graham, and Dr. Pulling, Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University.