12 FEBRUARY 1853, Page 9


&roux ExcuArrox, FRIDAY Arrinixoon.

At the commencement of this week the English Funds exhibited increased firmness ; and Consols on Tuesday were done as high as 991, with every appearance of a further advance, arising chiefly from an anticipated scarcity of Stock on the settlement of the Account, which took place yesterday. The tone of the market was unfavourably affected on Wednesday, on the an- nouncement of the attempted insurrection in Milan • they then fell to 99} f, but subsequently rallied f, on a purchase of 40,0001. by the Government Broker ; returning yesterday to their previous quotation. Today, Consols opened at 99f declined I, and have since risen to 99} f, at which they close. India Stock has fallen 3, and Bank Stock f since Saturday ; Exchequer Bills have improved 28. Confidence has in some measure been restored during the week, from the improvement in the rates of exchange with Russia and the United States, and also from the anticipated early arrival of gold in large quantities from Australia. On the Pans Bourse the closing prices of French Stocks on each day have presented very little alteration. Money con- tinues easy on the Stock Exchange ; and out of doors the rate is still 2,1 on the beat bills.

In Foreign Stocks the operations have been limited. The leading se-

- - - - - - - - --- curities continue firm at the quotations of Saturday last. Mexican has im- proved 1, and Russian Five per Cents 1. A loan of 50,000,000 francs (2,000,0001.) for Sardinia is said to have been arranged by Mr. Rothschild in that city : the Stock has fallen f. Granada Deferred is lower. Buenos Ayres is 2 better ; although recent intelligence from that country shows the position of its affairs to be very gloomy : there appears to be no government at present ; the town was surrounded by troops, and communication with the interior had ceased. Urquiza's movements were not known. The Stock closes today at 62 6. Accounts from Lisbon state the Cortes were to as- semble on the 31st January ; and that the odium of the decree confiscating a large portion of the interest on the home and foreign debt was so apparent, that some alteration would probably be proposed. Turkish Scrip advanced yesterday from 1 discount to I premium, after the appearance of the follow- mg in the Journal des Debats. " The Marquis de Lavalette only waits for his new credentials to leave Constantinople. During his stay at Paris, the Marquis is to treat on the question of the loan. It is said that an indemnity of 100f. will be given to the holders for each bond, or, as some say, the loan will be accepted in the terms of the Imperial finnan, which fixes the repayment over a period of ten years." The Scrip leaves off today at 1 premium.

The shares of the Australian Agricultural Company have not been much dealt in. They closed on Monday at 235 240, and have remained at about the same value.

The Railway Market has been firm during the week, and an improvement has occurred in many instances, with a frequent tendency to a farther ad- vance, but checked by the depression in Consols. It was announced on Wednesday, that the Midland Company's accounts show a dividend at the rate of 31 per cent and a balance of 13,0001. At the close of business yes- terday, the following improvement had taken place in some of the principal shares compared with Saturday last-York and North Midland, 51. ; Great Western, 21. 10s. ; East Lancashire, 21. ; Midland, 11. 15s.; London and South-western, and York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 11. 10s. ; Bristol and Exeter, Caledonian, Great Northern, London and North-western, North British, and South-eastern, 1/. ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, and Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 108. Foreign Shares have been rather dull, with a tendency to depression in the French descriptions, not- withstanding symptoms of revival on the Paris Bourse. Rouen and Havre have declined 108. ; and Paris and Lyons, Southern of France, and Western of France, 58. Paris and Rouen have improved 10s., and Northern of France 2.1. 6d. Today prices leave off firm generally. Great Western have risen it., and London and North-western, 108. Foreign lines also are better.


The English Funds are steady this morning at yesterday's price : Consols for Money 99k, for Account 991 1. An improvement in French Stocks has counteracted an effect that might have been produced by the decrease in the bullion return by the Bank. No alteration has yet occurred in Foreign Se- curities. The Railway Market continues firm, but the attention of the House is occupied with the arrangement of the account, this being settling-day. Bargains have been recorded in the following Shares-Eastern Counties, 131 ; London and Blackwell, 91 ; Midland, 79; North British, 36f ; Scottish Central, 98 ; York and North Midland, 601.

S per Cent Consols

Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 34 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 44 per Cents Chilian 6 per Cents Danish 5 per Cents. 99

99 4 1004 i

1031 4 1 6 6 7-1 227 8 52 56 266 9 101 3 98 100 105 7 106 8 Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 24 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 3 per Cents Peruvian 6 per Cents

Portuguese 4 per Cents

Russian 5 per Cents Ditto 44 per Cents Spanish 3 per Cents Ditto Deferred Sardinian 5 per Cents Austrian Scrip

84 6 644 54 97 8 23 4 310724 844

9 11 21

0 1473 4 4 221 3 934 44 7 9


An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on

Notes issued Proprietors' Capital Rest Public Deposita' Other Deposita Seven Day and otherBills £32,034,230 L82,034,230

BAN It11.0 DRaaTY all T.

114,553,000 Government Securities. (in 3,308,432 eluding Dead Weight Annuity) L13,764,031 5,565,203 Other Securities 13,706,812

11,606,230 Notes 9,338,81:0

1,439,998 Gold and Sliver Coln 666,582 /37,479,865 137,476,869 • Includin0Lichequer, Urinal-Banks, CommisatonersofNatIonal Debt. & Dividend ACeta.

SATURDAY. Two o'Ctocx.

The English Funds have continued firm ; Consols for Money and Account are now 9911. The Three-and-a-quarter per Cents are 1 higher, closing at 1031 1. In Foreign Stocks, not the least change has taken place. Bar- gains in Turkish Scrip have been effected at 1 premium, and in Swedish at 2 discount. The Australian Agricultural Shares have been done at 235. In the Railway Market prices have been maintained, but without farther advance. The following are the latest transactions-Aberdeen, 29 ; Bristol and Exeter, 109; Caledonian, 651; Chester and Holyhead, 23; East Anglian, 251. L. and E. and L. and D., 51 ; Eastern Counties, 131 ; Eastern Union, Class B and C, 84; East Lancashire, 78 ; Edinburgh, Perth, and Dundee, 281; Great Northern, 80; Great Western, 901; Lancaster and Carlisle, Thirds, 13 prem. ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 791; London and Blackwell, 94; London and North-western, 1201; London and South-western, 92; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 31; Midland, 791; Norfolk, 56; Ditto New 201., 84 ; North British, 36f ; North StaflOrdshire, 131; Scottish Central, 98; South-eastern, 801; South Wales, 374; York, Newcastle, and Berwick Extension, 72; Ditto G. N. E. Purchase or Preference, n ; Buck- inghamshire, 108; Chester and Holyhead Guaranteed 54 per Cent, 19; Eastern Counties Extension New 6 per Cent Stock, 141; Great Western, fixed 41 per Cent, 107 ; Midland Consolidated Bristol and ]Birmingham, 151; Norfolk Extension, 224; North British, 107f. Foreign-Northern of France, 331; Paris and Lyons, 241; Paris and Strasbourg, 301; Western of France, 17. Mine-United Mexican, 6/. Joint Stock Banks-Australasiun, 83; London and 'Westminster, 361; Union of Australia, 71; Union of London, 18.

Saturday, the bth day of Feb. 1563. 15501 DZI,STYRNT.

Other Securities £32,034,230 Government Debt /11,016,100 Gold Coin and Bullion 2,984,900


Silver Bullion