The Milanese news continues to be very imperfect. It consists
of a letter from Turin, of February 8th, comprising a proclamation by Count St:resold° Lieutenant-Marshal, dated on the 7th, and a private letter from Milan of the same day, but evidently later. The proclamation speaks of the "disorders of yesterday " ; but the disturbance recom- menced on the afternoon of the 7th. Exiles were leaving Turin to join the movement in Lombardy.
A letter from Milan of the 8th states that six of the insurgents ar- rested were hanged, and three shot. It is said that the French Govern- ment have received news from Milan dated the 10th, stating that order is oompletely restored. An Austrian force had entered Rimini with lighted matches, had levied enormous contributions, quartered their soldiers on the inha- bitants, and had caused several respectable persons to be beaten with the stick.
Accounts from Montenegro, of the 31st January, announce the arrival of a British steamer off the Bojana, to watch operations.
A semi-official article in the Paris Constitutionnel of yesterday states, that " the detenus for the affair of the correspondence with foreign jour- nals had all been interrogated by the Juge d' Instruction, in the course of Thursday ; and that the principal inculpation would be the fact of the propagation of false news."