12 FEBRUARY 1881, Page 3

The Spanish Government has been quite suddenly over- thrown. The

moderato Liberals, under Sagasta, taking advan- The Spanish Government has been quite suddenly over- thrown. The moderato Liberals, under Sagasta, taking advan- tago of the general discontent produced by the Government of Canovas del Castillo, which has now lasted six years, and aided by the popular General-Marshal Martinez Campos, prepared to appeal to arms. It is said that they intended to proclaim Queen Isabella, who warned her son of his danger. That is improb, able, but he certainly was warned ; and, either from alarm or weariness of his Premiet's rather harsh government, he dis- missed him at midnight on the 6th inst., the pretext being his disapproval of the Cabinet plan for the conversion of the Debt. Sailor Sagasta immediately accepted the Premiership, and Mar- shal Martinez Campos the Ministry of War, and they are already proceeding to change the chief officials and Captains- General. It is believed that the new regime will be much more favourable to France, less Ultramontane, and less repressive, especially towards the Press, whose offences are all already pardoned, but that otherwise matters will go on as before. The Chambers have been dissolved, and will not reassemble till July, at the earliest.