The Orford English Dictionary. Edited by Dr. James A. H,
Murray. (Clarendon Press.)—The first instalment of the Dictionary for 1893 appears under the care of Mr. Henry Bradley, and includes " Frank-Law—Fuz " (completing " F ") and " G—Gain coming." We have now, therefore, the first half of the fourth volume, comprising the letters " F " and " G." A pre- fatory note referring to " F " tells us that in this letter there are 9,339 main words, with 1,419 subordinate entries and 2,849 special combinations, making a total of 13,607, of which almost exactly a quarter are obsolete. The note gives us some idea of the unsparing labour which is being and has been for man? years expended on the Dictionary. A preliminary arrangement of the material was made more than twenty years ago.