Sin,—You kindly published an appeal. four weeks ago. for £200, to provide and maintain a creche for children in Notting Dale whose mothers are working at munitions of war. The ladies of the Lancaster Road School for Mothers ask me to thank you, and to say that the sum of £184 has already been contributed. The work has been begun, and is growing ; the children have two good rooms to themselves, and the part-use of three other rooms ; one of the ladies acts as head-nurse, and there will be a resident assistant- nurse, if there is money enough, a bathroom will be installed in the basement, and a good playground will bo made out of a desolate little back garden. Meanwhile, any gifts of flannel, groceries, clothing, old toys and picture-books, old perambulators, will be gratefully received. The creche is open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. ; and, of course, visitors are always welcome. Address 63 Lancaster Road, Notting Bill, W. I send you a list of donations already
Alford, Mrs., £5; Anonymous, is. ; Behrens, Sirs., £1 ls. ; Bidwell, Mrs., £2 2s. ; Blandy, Mrs. Graham, £2 ; Brixton, Hubert, Esq., £2 2s. ; Browne, Mrs. Walter, £3 ; Du Buisson, Mrs., £1 ; " A Child-lover who died in Gallipoli." in memory of, £1 ; ChIlde, Mrs., £1 ls. ; Courtauld, George, F.sq., £25 ; W. H. A., Esq., £2 ; Cuff, Miss Laura, £2 ; Cuffs, Mrs. John, £1 53. 7d.; Denny, Mrs., 15 ; Drake, Lady Elliott, £2 : Employees of Messrs. Hillaby„ Limited, £2 2s. ; Fairbrother, bliss E., £1 ; Fortesene-Brickdale, Lady, 10s. 6d.: Fuller-Maitland, J. A., Esq., £2 2s.; Gaselee, Mrs. II., £2 2s. ; Glenconner,
lady, £10 10s.; Glover, Mrs., £2 ; Graham, Miss, 2s. ; Hayward, Mrs. 5s. ; Henderson, Mrs. Hope, 12 ; Hill, Mrs. Berkeley, LI Is. ; Jackson, Sirs. 2s. 6d. ; Jeffreys. Mrs. Arthur, £3 Is. ; Johnston, Mrs., 5s. ; Lawrence, Sirs. £1 ls. ; Leader, Mrs., 10s. ; Longstaff, Mrs., £5 ; Lorain, Mrs., lea. ; M. B. in memory of, £10 ; M. E. L., In memory of, £10 ; Dineen, Mrs., LI Is. ; Martin Miss Anna, £3 3s. ; linnet, Mrs., £10 ; Moore, C harks. F.sq., £5 : Myers, Ernest, Esq., £1 Is. ; Newbolt, Miss Rachel, 10s. ; Newton. Mrs., £1 ; Nutt, Rev. J. W.,,
£1 ; Owen, Sir Douglas, IS ; Pearson, Mrs., £2 ; Priestley. Miss, ; Roberts, P. M., Esq., 10s. ; Sartoris, Miss, 10s. ; Schlesinger. Mrs. If.. £1 Is. ; Smith, B. F., Esq., £2 2s. ; Spreat, Bev. S. C., £1 Is. ; Stevens, Mrs., £5 ; Stockley, Mrs. Vesey, £1 ; Tarrant, Miss, 105. 6d. ; Taylor, Mrs. Villiers, El ; Thompson, H. Woolcott, Esq., £10 ; Tindal, John T., Esq., £1 Is. ; Tylor, Lady, £1; Vulliamy, Sirs., Is. ; Wagner, Henry, Esq., £2 ; Watson, Mrs., £3 33. ; Watt. Col. E. W., £2 20. ; Webb, Miss Dorothea, £3 ; Wells, Miss, Is.