without, as far as wo can sec, any correction or
protest in the editorial columns shows to what a mental condition those who control the Daily Mail have reduced themselves by these " Thyestean banquets of clap-trap." We are not going to argue with " Anti-Zepp." as tothe utility of the policy of massacre reprisals which he suggests, though a great deal might be said as to that, acid as to the delight with which the Germans would follow our lead in a campaign of frightfulness which would naturally attract them. All we shall do is to point out the intolerable wickedness of reprisals of this kind. Sending our airships over to harry Ger.. many just as Germany has harried the Midlands is, of course, a different matter. Such reprisals are sets -of war, -and -must be judged -coolly and as to whether they. are .worth. while and will produce the desired _result We are willing to admit that, under the .new.style of war inaugurated by our opponents, they must now be regarded as legitimate.