. For Little Pilgrims on Life's Way. By Belle House.
(Sherratt and Hughes. 3s. 6d, net.)—Though the author of this book does not actually give her work the name of sermons and her chapters are not woven .round texti, her teaching, is firmly _founded on
the Bible., She :rightly ,attaches'very,.great importance the
early formation- of character,. and (thews by. means, of. many an apt story how truth and courage, love and self-sacrifice, are the; goals whioh can be reached hpevery one„ tioWeverhanclie.appe0. if only he will Set his . feet on the- narrow avay. s She us in her preface , that her wish in, publishing. this little hook has been, -`‘, not so much to help. those. who take services for 'children," as to appeal directly to the children themdelvess and she hopes that her volume " will find its. way.into the nurseries of the rich," where she seems.to think that this sort of teaching ;is particularly required. We will not 'dispute this assertion,- :but will merely remark that. the teaching of the things of the ;Spirit, if well and-intelligently, carried, 'ants. is equally enjoyed .by all sorts and conditions of children. -We like best ths :chapters which closely.lollow.a Bible story, as, for instance; that- on " The -Swohl of the Lord and -of-Gideon:" 'Oddly enough,' 'Mrs. House. says not a. word on the subject of this war. ' One :wonders how she was able to refrain froin using it to illustrate and emphasize. many of her points. It is however,- a. useful and -cheerful little' book, and should give' pleasure as well as instruction to its readers.