A White Paper issued on Monday night contains setee,tiens from
the papers taken at Falmouth from Captain von Papeie the late German Military Attaché at' WashingtOn. A letter dated March 12th, 1914, from the German Ministry of War remarks that several railway trains have been bloWn up in Mexico, and goes on " In order to form an opinion Whether, in the event of a European war, explosions of this kind would have to be reckoned with information should be obtained as to how these attacks were carried out." A letter from R. Mime], dated " Potsdam), July 25th, 1914," says : " Wo have never before seen such preparations for war as are being made." Prince H. Hatzfcld, writing from the German. Embaesy Washington, says :-
"My wife writes to me that Bulgaria will certainly come in en our side after the harvest at the end of August, and she is certain that Roumania will remain inactive. . . 1 telephoned to-dsy to Albeit. The Ambassador, in my opinion, should nevertheless -issue a statement to enlighten the native Americans: and the pro-Gernians and -to lead their thoughts into the right channel'. The people are really so stupid. And, besides, by this means we can openly defend_ the Americans (Adams, Hodley) who are implicated in this affair."
The notorious Captain Boy-Ed warns Captain von Papen that the " Washington people " have a whole heap of incriminating eviden•ce against him.