Matrimony in the Police Courts The value of Private Members'
Bills was admirably shown on Friday when Mr. Petherick's Summary Procedure Bill was read for a second time. Based on certain recommenda- tions of the Departmental Committee on Social Services in Courts of Summary Jurisdiction, it has the support of parties and the approval of the Home Office. The object of the Bill is primarily to separate the proceedings of the police courts in cases relating to matrimony, affiliation and the guardianship of children from its proceedings in criminal cases. It imposes certain restrictions on public attendance at such cases, and on the reporting of them, so that litigants may not be dissuaded from using the courts by the publicity involved. It also proposes certain alterations in procedure and in the taking of evidence which will make the proceedings, and the issues involved, as intelligible as possible to the litigants ; it is hoped that, while it is not the business of magistrates to impose reconciliation on the parties to a dispute, an atmosphere of discussion rather than of litigation may result in reconciliation wherever it is possible. The Bill seems certain, and deserves, to become law.